A few questions...I am a new bunny owner

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Jul 19, 2009
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Ok...At what age do I get my male bunny nuetered? At what age do their balls drop and how can I tell if they are?

Ok i thought I had more questions but thats all i am thinking of right now....Thanks!!!

Most vets will neuter a maqle rabbit at 10 weeks and up. Others like to wait until 4 months when their, the rabbits, balls drop. So I would say that when the rabbit is 4 months would be the best time to get him neutered. I had my boy Prince get neutered at 4 months and he is doing wonderfully.
i got mine donr at 6months.. i think thats better but differnt vets say diffent things.
My vet told me he could neuter Rascal after 3 months of age. When I checked at 3 months of age he already had his balls. IDK when he got them, but they were there. Lol. You can see them, plain as day.2 sacks on each side.

We had a bunny neutered recently- he was 3 months old- his testicles had dropped- like April said- two sacs- one on each side- plainly visible.
My vet has told me they can be neutered soon as you see the sacs, which is around 4 months. Toby got neutered on Monday, he's just over 4 months but his testicles dropped about 2 weeks ago. They are visible and a sort of pink color.

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