A few questions about my bunny.

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Jul 15, 2012
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Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA
Since we've gotten Ella (nearly a year now) she hasn't been drinking a lot of water. For most of the time we've had both a bottle and a bowl, but both we left untouched as far as I could tell. Last month she had a bout with ileus (very scary for me), and while she was with the vet and a for a few days after she would occasionally drink from her bottle. Since is has barely touched it, but she is in fantastic health. My vet the fresh fruits/veggies supplement her water intake enough, and she is fine. But as a not so experienced rabbit owner I was wondering what you guys thought.

Also, she has been licking, digging at, and biting my couch lately, any ideas why?
One of mine doesnt drink much either. She will only drink out of bowl and only with fresh water. Sometimes she won't drink anything overnight. Rabbits just have different water intakes. You can also rinse her veggies and leave the water on them so she gets more. That especially works with romaine.