a dumb question

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I dont know the answer but I definitely dontthink it's a dumb question. I'd be interested in knowing the answer tothatone.

If they are overweight and the dewlap is not verylarge, a diet may help decrease the size a little. Geneticfactors are also involved that influence the elasticity of the skinaround the neck. Although a diet will take some fat off,there's no way to tighten the skin again.

Peanut had a large dewlap when we adopted her(you can kinda see it in the picture), but she was also quiteoverweight. A diet really trimmed her down and she lost most of thedewlap. However, she now has enough skin for two bunnies! :p

lol.... we should start a Bunny Dewlap AcceptanceAlliance so that way our bunnies know that an overly large dewlap isnothing to be ashamed of. Buns need to realize that their dewlaps comein all shapes and colors, and that they shouldnt feel pressure to get alittle dewlap "nip and tuck" at the bunny plastic surgeon..... :)
Hi Sara!

No dumb questions..except the one you don't ask!

IMO I think dewlaps are kinda cute :p.

As far as reducing the size, diet seems to be one way. Brindle used tohave a large dewlap when she first developed it. She was also kindachubby, too. We started regulating her diet and over the last 6-8 weeksher dewlap has gotten considerably smaller.

lol i love lyla no matter how big her dewlap isits just she is a holland lop and that thing is takingover:p.... i dont know how i could reduce her diet she gets asmall scoop of pellets unlimited timothy and her ocassional greens

sandhills_rabbits wrote:
lol.... we should start a Bunny Dewlap Acceptance Allianceso that way our bunnies know that an overly large dewlap is nothing tobe ashamed of. Buns need to realize that their dewlaps come in allshapes and colors, and that they shouldnt feel pressure to get a littledewlap "nip and tuck" at the bunny plastic surgeon..... :)

lmao this is sooo funny!!!

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