A couple of question's.

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Dec 24, 2005
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Hey all I'm new here, don't own any buns though,although I used to have one as a child before he drowned. Lately I'vebeen feeling a bit lonely, as I've just given my rats away, but anywayI've have been interested in getting a bun for a companion. But beforeI do anything, I've got a couple of questions.

1. Can a bun live outside in a hutch if heating (lightbulb?) isprovided? It never gets that cold here and it rarely snows, maybe onceevery two years.

2. Can buns live alone or do they prefer to be with another?

3. Is it a better idea to get a bun while it's young or as an adult?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)
1. Rabbits are fairly resiliant and shouldn'tneed a blub as long as you provice them with shelter against the windand warm hay to lay on.

2. It's perfectly fine for them to live along as long as youspend enough time with them. Rabbits that live outside can have atendency to be ignored.

3. I'd suggest adopting one from a shelter. That way you know therabbit's personality and full size. You also don't have to put up withtheir teenage years. Plus, adopting an adult rabbit that no one elsewants is very rewarding.
Ok thanks. I've been looking at the nearestshelter and they don't have any adults so I'm probably just going toget this guy cause he's so cute!


Him as a baby -


He's already all litter trained and everything, I'll probably be going in to see him after christmas sometime! :D
Aww what a little cutie! I agree withShuu about not needing a bulb. Rabbits can react really badlyto heat, though. if it gets hot where you live, you will needto provide shade and possibly frozen water bottles.

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