A bit worried ..

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
Benji was wandering around in the garden, quitehappy to sniff through the bars at the rescue rabbit ... but suddenlythe rescue rabbit turned on BENJi and scratched at him through the bars... making him bleed. Benji pulled back immediately andHollie rescued him .. the thing is, he's now sat in his cage, his heartis racing and he's making odd movements with his head, almost as thoughhe has jarred his neck ...

? ? ?
I don't know what to say. If you thinkthat he's injured, you should take Benji to a vet. I hope hegets better soon!
I think you should take him to the vet, therecould be some hidden problems if he is acting like this and you cannotfind any outer problems. Good luck
:) Oh Lor` I did panic ...Benji is hopping round the garden now ... I think it was just shock ashe's a more nervous rabbit than Felix ever was ... He's nottwitching any more .. and he's eating, has good movement in hisneck/head ... Hollie and I justpanicked .. our thoughts flew straight away to Felix, and our losinghim.

Sorry to panic you all .. xxx
Make sure you attend to that wound or you couldbe in for some major problems. Get it cleaned and put a very thin layerof Neosporin on it. Do that 2-3x a day to make sure hedoesn't get infection. Make sure its a very thin layer aswell, that way if he ingests any it won't hurt him. I'verecently learned infections in bunnies is a VERY bad thing...its alotdifferent from ourselves getting infections and they do not get over itas easily as we generally do.

Please keep us posted and keep a close eye on him.

I'm honestly not trying to scare you....but please do this rightaway...I almost lost Corky to an infection from a wound and notrealizing it was there.

Benji is fine .. thankyou! *chuckle* ... I don't know what gotinto him last night, but he was lay in my arms like a BABY for ages ..and yes, we worried, as it was so unlike him !!(I've posted before about how vicious he can be)

The RSPCA called today and picked up the Cashmere Lop .. err,it was a boy; neutered. They think the same as I do, thatsomeone just got fed up of him. Anyways,I gave them a lot of information about the bunny ... such as, he uses alitter tray to pee in and is very very gentle and friendly ... doesntbite, which made a fantastic change from Benji I can tell you! He's obiviously been well looked after as hewasnt really that matted up - only a couple of splodges ...They are holding him at Derby RSPCA in case anyone calls and reports amissing rabbit ... after that they WILL rehome him.

Regarding the Chesterfield RSPCA centre I called yesterday ..when they told me that if I took the bunny to them they would have toput one of theirs already there to sleep, I have been asked to reportthe Centre,as this is NOT what the RSPCA do .. they alwaysalways try accommodate every animal and if they cant then they askaround at other centres .... seems that the people at Chesterfield arelazy !!

I still cannot believe how out of character BENJi was lastnight .. perhaps he just wanted some reassurance that I still loved him!!

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