A bit worried about Abby

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
We got back yesterday afternoon from VT, andneither of us were very surprised that the rabbits were pretty mellowand laying low. Well, Valuran wasn't, he was running around, tearingcardboard and protecting his Smurf blanket. Abby and Chomps weresnuggled up in their cage, which isn't unusual.

Later on that evening, Inoticed some small poops, so set outa bowl of oatmeal for them, as it's next to impossible to determinewhich rabbit it could be. I do think it is Abby, only because she cameout very breifly and I noticed the small poops after she was out. Shedid eat some of the oatmeal, thankfully, but other than that, I haven'treally noticed her eating or drinking much.

She's been less active than usual. Last night when I did the "buffet",she didn't touch it. (The buffet is when we give them hay, both she andValuran eat right out of the bin.) Also, when I get up, first thing Ido is open the cage door and she and Valuran spend a good hour runningaround and having fun. Not today. This afternoon she was huddled in oneof the carriers and refused a craisin. That's when I started to reallyworry, because let's face it, what rabbit turns their noseata a craisin??

What signs should I really look for? I'm going to re-read the GIthread, but needed to do a post because I'm worried and know you allwill understand.
Start the regime, babe!

Canned Pumpkin, Simethicone, NutriCal, I'd still give fresh pineapplejuice, and papaya or meat tenderizer. Definitely read theposts. JimD just bumped a bunch of them up. Alsocheck his thread about "Poopy Butt". Alot of rabbits I know are going through this right now. Ifyou have any tetracycline, I'd give a little of that as well.The poops shouldn't look like peppercorns. Keep the areaclean so that you can monitor carefully the output and input. If youhave to separate them in order to keep track, I'd do it.

Laura has a point traveling. Even if she doesn't have GIStasis, the pumpkin, NutriCal, etc. won't hurt her.

Let her run around so that her system will be encouraged to move. Also a massage wouldn't be a bad idea.

You and Abby will be in my thoughts and prayers.


she might stressed from the trip...theres thisstuff called bene-bac .. they def have it at petco...it gives a nicedose of their natural bacteria to keep everything runningsmoothly...that might help a bit ;) hope itsnothing serious!!
Mine had it. Their symptoms were smallor no poop. Not eating. Very lethargic.Some show signs of bloating. The main thing to do is to keepher eating. I would make an appointment with the vet becauseyou don't want to wait if she does in fact have GI statis.This is very difficult to treat if you wait too long. Soundsto me like this is what she could have and that you caught it intime. Good Luck!
I am starting, with the oatmeal as it's what I had on hand.

I have to figure out what they sell up in Canada that is comparable toNutrical and that other stuff, not to mention my hubby has the car andwon't be back until 11 tonight. I'm going to walk over to the storenear us to see what they have, there's a small pet store in this samecomplex, hopefully they'll have something too.

If she hasn't eaten anything by tonight, we're going to have to forcefeed her. I am hoping she's just still settling down after the trip,although she did fine going there and settling in at my mom's house.
Stephanie wrote:
I have to figure out what they sell up in Canada that iscomparable to Nutrical

Can you get ahold of some Laxatone for cats?

I'm going to write a list of everything here onthe site and go to the pet store near me. I know for a fact that Ican't find Nutrical, as I've already looked everywhere for it, to havejust in case.

Someone at a Petsmart recommended some bird stuff in place of Nutrical,I can't remember what it's called though and it was in powder form, soI dunno.
I don't know if this will help Stephanie, butmany years ago I got a paste from my vet...it was for my cat and wasfull of nutrients and vitamins, meant to keep his appetite going whenhe was ill. I cannot remember what it was called now as it was so longago, but if you can't find anything at the pet stores, perhaps if youwere to phone the nearest vet and ask, they might have something therethat would serve to stimulate Abby's appetite.

I will keep Abby in my thoughts for you...

i hope everything is ok. i went to the vetyesterday with kweli, my youngest bun and it was her first time. Lastnight when i got home from work, she still had loads of food in herdish which is unusual, (normally she's like a vacuum cleaner) Todaythough, the little piglet is back!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

You should take her to the vet.Refusing treats isn't usually a good sign. I should haveknown when Lenci turned her head to a banana. :?
When it was an emergency and we couldn't getNutriCal, my vet told me to use Ensure Plus (vanillaFlavored). (Available in small cans, refrigerate unusedportion,warm before use, DO NOT MICROWAVE. We feedwith syringe.) I've helped a number of bunnies overnight or through a weekend on this stuff with no problems.It's available in some grocery stores and most Pharmacies.It's used for the elderly/sick that need additionalnutrients. Might be worth a try if you can't get any thingelse.
I'm really hoping it's just from the trip toVermont and back. She did fine there, but who knows? Hopefully she'sjust off a bit and this will help get her back on track.
Poor Abby. I am hoping that it is justan effect of the travelling. I know how worried I was when Pernod wentinto GI Stasis - fortunately the vet helped her through it. I will bekeeping you in my thoughts and prayers- Jan

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