7 month old male chewing plastic

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Apr 24, 2005
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we have a 7 month old dwarf rabbit (sorry don'tknow much about breeds). it is chewing anything plastic in his cage.first it was his food dish and now his litter pan! he has food, timothyhey and a big wooden chew toy. he also has a salt lick . ocasionally wegive him rabbit treats from the pet store but not often. what can we doabout this? isn't it going to make him sick to eat the plastic? or ishe not really eating it? i've also started giving him paper towel rollsto chew. he's using them but even when they're in the cage he stillchews the plastic. i'm just worried, it can't be good for him. i wasthinking of buying a new metal food dish, but i don't think they sellmetal litter pans, do they?!? he's a perfect bunny in everyother way. i just don't want him to get sick. my sons would be heartbrocken if something happened to Whiskers.

any help is greatly appreciated.


Hmmm... Well I can't imagine that a large amountof plastic would be good for the little guy. Sometimes mine chew on thedoor guardes, but nothing major. You might want to take away theplastic things he chews on if he does it too much. Just watch him tomake sure his appetite stays well and all.

Hi Cyn,

How long have you had Whiskers? Has he been chewingon plastics for a long time? Does he eat a lot ofthe plastic? Maybe he justwants to chew on something that is natural to rabbits.

I have a Netherland Dwarf Pebbles who is 9 monthsold. She like to bite and dig on a cardboardtube. Maybe a cardboard box would be safer forWhiskers.

I use heavy stone ware dishes for Pebbles food andwater. You could use a metal baking pan for alitter box, or those glass type corningware.Pebbles has a plastic litter box butshe doesn't chew on it. There's a lot of things shedoesn't chew on as shown in the picture.........She's a perfectbun...:shock:..lol.

Rainbows! :)

I have the same problem with my female Cleo...My husband is in a electric wheelchair and it has childproof covers onall the electrical outlets. childproof yes... bunny proofNO. She got it off and chewed it as much as she could beforeshe was caught. We put it back on figuring that she could notget it off anymore.. There was not a heck of a lot left ofit. No matter how close you watch her.. we would find thatcap removed.. she wasn't chewing it anymore it had become a game.. Verymuch like whenyou give a baby a toy and he drops it.. youpick it up and he drops it again. well this hasbeen going on for 2 months now. if we could catch her doingit she could be punished.. but she is way too sly.. Recently I put purelemon juice on it and I try to do it everyday... and surprise surpriseshe has not removed it lol

I dont know if it was the lemon juice or that she just stopped playing the game lol

Where the expression "dumb bunny" came from I will never know!

Have you tried giving Whiskers actualwood sticks like apple or willow to chew on. Maybe you could try usingan old phone book too. You may want to consider getting a stonewarefood dish if only to keep Whiskers from ingesting too muchplatic.

an old phone book???? I am always afraid of inkand dyes in paper (newspaper, phonebook, my term papersetc...) Are these ok for them????
Well, ingesting too much paper is not great forthem either, but often they just want to shred the phonebook and"redecorate" with it's remains...We only give our bunnies the whitepages (I reason that there is less ink in it because all the pagesaren't dyed, but I could be mistaken) and we rip the front and backcovers off before we left them have it. The spine has to stay to holdall the pages togther, but ours tend not to chew it too much.

One of our rabbits likes to perch on it most of the day, thus it hasbeen dubbed Fawns "Thronebook" (it's pretty hilarious to watch, becauseshe's way to big to fit on it, but she's quite determined to.):D goodluck with your little one.