we have a 7 month old dwarf rabbit (sorry don'tknow much about breeds). it is chewing anything plastic in his cage.first it was his food dish and now his litter pan! he has food, timothyhey and a big wooden chew toy. he also has a salt lick . ocasionally wegive him rabbit treats from the pet store but not often. what can we doabout this? isn't it going to make him sick to eat the plastic? or ishe not really eating it? i've also started giving him paper towel rollsto chew. he's using them but even when they're in the cage he stillchews the plastic. i'm just worried, it can't be good for him. i wasthinking of buying a new metal food dish, but i don't think they sellmetal litter pans, do they?!? he's a perfect bunny in everyother way. i just don't want him to get sick. my sons would be heartbrocken if something happened to Whiskers.
any help is greatly appreciated.
any help is greatly appreciated.