I just lost the sibling about 10 hours ago. The 7 day old kit is the smallest one, and for about 24 hours has been occasionally making a squeaky, almost coughing sound and opening/closing its mouth (like savoring something?). Most of the time, the baby is quiet. The other bunnies sometimes make a similar sound, but after losing FOUR kits suddenly in two weeks, I cannot bear the thought of losing another. Aside from that, the kit is warm, active and strong like the others.
Am I just paranoid? I am not happy with how my vet handled the other kit yesterday, so I am hesitant to take him unless it is an emergency. Is there anything I can do on my own, if it is an issue? Can the kit get pneumonia from drinking too much milk, allowing it to go the wrong way?
Please help. I love these kits so much...
Am I just paranoid? I am not happy with how my vet handled the other kit yesterday, so I am hesitant to take him unless it is an emergency. Is there anything I can do on my own, if it is an issue? Can the kit get pneumonia from drinking too much milk, allowing it to go the wrong way?
Please help. I love these kits so much...
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