5 weeks and 4 days rabbits!!! They're sooo cute...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
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Devon, , United Kingdom
hello everyone, i have some yet again newer picsof the baby rabbits and my newest rabbit, Flop! they're all doing greatand Roxy's foot has completely recovered. I had them allrunning round my garden earlier!!! It was hard to keep an eye on themall. :D! Anyways, here is some pics.

I had to post this one first coz i think its the greatest. You can seelittle Sebastian and Nipper ontheir hind legs, then on theright of them is Nibbles with her mum, they are going to look sosimilar! What they usually do is jump on the green igloo and on to theside of the cage, then to the ground. Its soo funny to watch!
Look at those little sweethearts!

RusselandRoxy, how do you get anything done with all of that cuteness staring back at you?

They are simply precious. Thanks for sharing them with us.


Okay, this next pic is sweet also. You can see aclose-up of Nibbles which is the one with the large mane comingin.I think she is definately going to look like her mummy!She's the one that always seems to be with her. Aww they're so sweet!

Btw, i dont know they're genders at the moment but i just took a guessat the moment as to what i think they are. I will try to find out soonthough!
And heres Sebastian, he tends to be most peoplesfavourite. He has such a lovely little personality and is so friendly.If you go near him, he always comes up to greet you. he is also themost lively and is the one that jumps out the cage the most and hetends to wander. He is sooo much like his daddy, with his little earsand nose and just the way he is!!
And the last baby is Nipper, shes in the middle,again shes gorgeous and shes the least lively but shes still beautifuland such a darl! She layed in my friends arm and fell asleep on herback with her arms and legs strectched out! I wish i had a photo! Itwas beautiful!

Sorry its not a very good pic, she seems to be camera shy or justwanted to get away :plol. As you can see, she has sort of amane too!
And heres a picture of Flop! Isnt he lovely?!?!?! :)

At that moment he is trying to grab my attention so i will get him outof his cage. I hate him being in there like that so i get him out asmuch as i can. Actualy, he's starting to get a bit nasty now coz hedoesnt like it! We are planning on sorting him with a run very soonthough - poor thing!
And thats all the pics for now! Let me know whatyou think coz they would appreciate it!! I now have a few peopleinterested in them and i may keep one so they're basically alreadysorted with homes!! But i still have another couple of weeks with themyet!!!

thanks Carolyn, it is hard to leave them lol, they're so sweet!! Lucky, they're going to homes i know!!

Hope you enjoy all the pictures, Leanne :)
Awwwww. There so adorable,I want them!!!

The babys do look just like there mom and there dad seems to behappy lol Flop i love his marking! im going to bunny nap them!

Ashley Thumper Fayth
RusselandRoxy wrote:
And heres a picture of Flop! Isnt he lovely?!?!?! :)
Yes he is lovely and I like the picture of him going up thestairs. I play with Pebbles on our stairstoo. I can sit a few steps below her and be reallyclose to her, and thats when she starts to lick myface. :D

Rainbows! :)
Russel is so handsome! What kind of rabbit is he? I just LOVE those markings!!!

Those babies are so cute. I'd be out there every day, all day kissingtheir noses (I have a thang for bunny noses, yeah I'm weird).

Also, Flop is soooo adorable. I love his big feet. :)
Stephanie wrote:
Russel is so handsome! What kind of rabbit is he? I just LOVE those markings!!!

Those babies are so cute. I'd be out there every day, all day kissingtheir noses (I have a thang for bunny noses, yeah I'm weird).

Also, Flop is soooo adorable. I love his big feet. :)
Lol, and my dad said russel was ugly this morning too! He's soo wrongand should look in the mirror! lol! only kiddin! Anyway, Russel is ahimalayan Rex and is soo soft! He's gorgeous too and adores people!! Heloves being inside!

Trust me, i am out with the babies everyday, they're sogorgeous! Yet i only have another 2 weeks and 2 days withthem- at least i can see them whenever i want! Yay! :D! wemay keep one - we're thinking about it at the moment - whether its thebest for Roxy or not. What do you guys think - would Roxy appreciatehaving a daughter to keep her company or would she get fed up withher?!?!?

Flops lovely too, i know, i was sitting doing a jigsaw puzzle lastnight and had all the pieces set out and with no exaggeration, he musthave jumped and rolled in them about 25 times! Such a pain! He isntlitter trained so then he decided he would pee all over my puzzle - 3times!!!!! And as if that wasn't enough, he started grabbit the piecesi had laid so far, picking them up with his teeth, breaking up thepuzzle and carryin them across the room, so in the end it tookme over 3hours to do a 100 piece jigsaw!!!

awww, they're ALL adorable. :)

Flop does stairs, I see, looks like a good workout for him.:) Pipp doesn't seem to go up or down stairs,they'relike a wall to her. Does Pebblesgo up and down? Pebbles is the same size as Pipp I think.

Oh my gosh, the babies got big-fast. Theyare adorable. What a gorgeous family you have. Flopsy sounds like he isgoing to be the one to keep you on your toes. He is a beautiful guy Ilove his color. I would never get anything done with so much cutenesseverywhere you look.
