2006 ARBA Standard Of Perfection

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
If you've been holding out for the new standard,it is now available to order through ARBA . . .http://www.arba.net/(See the right side of the screen for link).

"Contains the standard of each ARBA recognized breed of rabbit and cavyas used by our licensed judges for animal evaluation duringcompetition. Also included in the book are color and black and whitephotographs of each breed of rabbit and cavy, the general faults, andall general disqualifications from competition. A detailed descriptionof each variety (color) recognized within each breed is also listed. Aglossary showing terminology relating to the rabbit and cavy fancy addsto the value of the Standard Of Perfection."

The new book of standards goes into effect Feb. 1, 2006.


Definitely a wonderful book to have, especially when wondering about how our rabbits relate to 'what's normal' for the breed.

Now that the new Standardsbook is out I dont have tosneak down and Steal Corolyns lol. Very informative and helpfullwhen One tends to be clueless .
gypsy wrote:
Nowthat the new Standards book isout I dont have to sneak downand Steal Corolyns lol .

I did think of how you referenced the Standard when you were at my place.



I could get you one at the convention...this way you don't have toowait....you could pick it up at my house when you come for Tank and theChampange. Let me know.

Thanks Sharon, Ifyou wouldnt mind w ould youplease pick me up One . Ido appreciate all you aredoing for me , have youmade contact on hte MAn bringingthe Champagne ? PGG is supposedto get me numbers and such , Brick herone for the #'s and palces .
LOL I can so seeyou puting on a huning cap and your Offfor the search , LOL .

Sharon Can you remember the Judges Namewho judged the Palomino's , for the life Ofme Icannot remember . TheWriter never made out the cards forthem so I dont have her name
pamnock wrote:
Hadyou mentioned that the judges name was Roger? It might havebeen Roger Cota . . .

Roger was there , Hewas judging the Flemish ( poorguy , he was exhausted and notfeeling well ) , 150 to be exact ,The Judge who Judged the Pals was a Lady,, short of stature and well built , ( plump butnot fat ) Older I would saycloser to my age or a bit more .

Edit : for got to mention She is a Former Pal Breeder .

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