2 Questions:

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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
I have 2 questions for everyone:

1. The buns have punished me again for going out oftown. I swear I can't leave. Abby has rubbed hernose raw. My only guess is that she rubbed it on her cagedoor until she got the darn thing open. She was hoppingaround the room when I went in to feed. She has no fur on thearea between her eyes and has a small sore, should I treat it, or notbecause it's close to her eyes.

2. Shawn and I are going to Nags Head in August. Wecan take 2 animals with us, so we are taking Harley, our lab/rottie,and Sampson. I'm wondering for all those who have traveled adistance with buns, any tips? He'll be in a large carrier andwill have food and water and a replica of his cage will go withus. He's gone 3 hrs to my brother's house, but this will bemuch longer.

Awwwwwwww PoorAbby , you can put a very thin layerof neosporin on hte area gentlyrub in well . it shouldnt get into hereyes . you can cleanit off with a QTip and a dab of peroxide , just be surethe QTip isnt soakedand dripping .

As for traveling with Sampson he has gone3 hour trip before he shoulddo fine , bring a tube ofnurti_ cal to be sure, plentyof fresh bottled water and some pepto (anti bad tummy meds ) or even Simethacone . We havetaken Rabbits on 5 hour jaunts with no prepares andthey did fine , a little snottywehn they got home and agood butting for good measure , but theywere fine .

Miss Wooley Girl made the tripfrom NJ to Conn and hten to NH a lotal of8 hrs or more with no Ill effects otherthan a good case of the BUTTsyndrom when she was put in hernew cage .
Thanks! I was worried about puttinganything on Abby, but I'll use some Neosporin. I can'tbelieve she did that. They all must punish me.Orion was being a nut last night, it took me nearly 1 hour to catch himto go to bed, and then he jumped into his own cage. Oh, I wasmad.

Sampson does ok in the car, he's been a few places and never had anytummy trouble. I'm going to make sure to get extra ice so hecan have some in the carrier. The only reason I'm taking himis because I don't know what he would do if I left himbehind.

I hope you have a nice trip. :)

Emmy now opens her cage at night or the day. Five o'clock in themorning, my mom saw Emmy laying down on our living room carpet!:shock:So now, we have to put a binder-pen so she wont openthe door from now and then.

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