2 dwarfs

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4 Fuzz-Butts
May 17, 2012
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milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
So I've had my 2 dwarfs for about 8 months. And i'm worried they don't like me..lol They don't like to be pet or picked up. they run from me. Not sure what i'm doing wrong. I let them out and play, and when I can't let them out I go in and talk to them and give them treats. I see all these pictures of all these people who's rabbit lick them and play and hang out and love to be cuddled.
what am I doing wrong? Any advice would be awesome!
Not every bunny likes to be cuddled and many buns don't like to be picked up (remember, their instincts tell them the only time they're going to be picked up is when they get carried off by a hawk).

Are they in an area of your home where you spend a lot of time? My rabbits are in my bedroom (of a house I share with 3 other roommates) so we spend basically all of our time together when I'm not at school. Something that's often helpful is just to lie on the floor with them so they get used to you. You can bring a book or a laptop and hangout and eventually they'll start coming up to you. Something I've had great success with is in working on training them. My rabbits get about 1/3 of their pellet ration at breakfast time and the rest they either eat out of a bowl sitting next to me or out of my hands. Once they started looking forward to breakfast time, I started offering them pellets out of my hands and worked up to expecting them to come to me. If they came over to me they got a pellet and if they put their paws up on me they got even more pellets. We're working on getting them to come on command and to periscope up on command.
They are currently living in a spare bedroom in an Xpen. I bring them out with me and the other animals everyday for about 1-3 hours depending on my time. If I can't get them out that day I do go in and talk to them and sing...lol i give them treats. I'm thinking it may be best if I build a cage out in the living room (though my house is pretty small, and i have 7 animals) I'm just hoping for them to want to be out and spend time with me.
Moving them into the room where you are most the time, will probably make a difference. You could also try doing some one on one time in a small room, like a bathroom. They won't just be able to leave, and they won't have their buddy there, so more of their attention will be on you.
Like Christina said, some buns don't like to be held. My bun is one of those buns. She is also not lovey at all. She will come to me for love but its rare. I have to actually sit in the floor for her to come to me and let me pet her for any length of time. She follows me around though and eats from my hand. She's totally bonded to me, but would rather have her space.

I try to sit in the floor with her for at least 30 solid minutes a day. She is out all the time and I'm constantly in the kitchen, but I don't always spend 'quality' time with her. So I've made it a point to spend good quality time with her. You just need to do that. Every time you aren't busy, go sit with me. Let them explore you. Also, like others suggested, move them into the room you're in most and let them get used to you. They'll come around. It takes bunnies time to come around and completely trust people, I think. Some people its sooner than others, but all rabbits are different like all people are different.

Are they Netherland dwarves? From the things I've heard, they tend to be a little snooty. NOT all of them, of course. Just give them a little more time and give them more 'quality time', not to mention treats really help them like you! Bribery is always a good go-to with buns, they're gluttons for treats! That way they associate treats with you and you with good things. Good luck!
I agree with some one on one time. You could try that. Also, what are the other animals? Are they scared of the other 7 animals you have out with them?

You can also try feeding them. Offering treats is a good way to bond.

I'm a proponet of "ignoring" a rabbit to bond. Maybe take them in a quiet room and just read or lay down for awhile. Curiosity will often drive them to come see you. Don't reach for them or pick them up just yet, let them gain your trust first.

And as everyone has said, not every rabbit is lovey and snuggly. It could just be their personalities.
It´s all great advice and I agree with all of it. You sometimes just have to get to their level where they feel less threatened and just sit or lie on the floor and they´ll come to investigate. Sometimes if I lie face down, they´ll jump on my bank and climb all over me to investigate and it makes it easier for them to give you face licks. Snowy always licks my face all over when I´m on the floor. Give them time and space and theý´ll come round. And yes, food always does the trick :clapping:
We've had 37 bunnies live with us and out of that number we've had 3 that were cuddle bunnies, and one of the three only liked me and would attack Nancy anytime she came in the room if I was already there. They each have their own personality and behaviors--just how it is.
I have a dwarf bunny and I can honestly say it took almost 3 months for him to gain my trust. I thought I had a "mean" bunny at first, but after much determination and patience he has turned into the biggest mush ever. Let them come to you and don't force anything, I spent all my free time just letting him out and sitting on the floor with him (either watching tv, doing work, or reading) and just being around him he learned to come up to me and let me pet him. I didn't get a chance to read all the previous posts so I hate to repeat already given advice but try giving them treats and petting their head when they're chewing. My bandit looovess being pet behind his ears and his cheeks, he'll sit with me for hours if I'm petting him. I know its discouraging, I was expecting him to be loving the day I took him home and was so upset when he wouldn't come out of his cage or let me pet him. He doesn't like being picked up ( as most buns dont) but I learned if i pick him up like a baby placing him against my body up by my shoulder and hold up against my body with all 4 paws against my chest he doesn't mind it as much and I can walk around with him like that.Don't give up and it will be worth it! Dwarfs tend to have a bad rep. but bandit is truly the opposite of everything I've read about his breed.
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So i'd like to announce KODY must of had an epiphany last night. "mom isn't so bad" He started licking me. He still runs when I want to pick him up, I've excepted that. Now it's Freeze's turn to find i'm not so horrible..lol
He still runs when I want to pick him up, I've excepted that.

Just checking since I'm not sure if this was stated plainly before or not...
The idea is to NOT try to pick him up. Continuing to try will just slow the bonding process. You don't want your bunny to "run" from you. That just reinforces distrust. Let him come on his own terms.

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