2 buns better then 1?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, California, USA
I just got my new bun last Friday and I havebeen thinking maybe I should get another bun. I work 8 hours a day andI live alone. So unless my BF comes over to say Hi or something no oneis there during the day. I have a fewproblems A. My apt isvery small, and I already have 2 chinchillas that have a 5' cage, so inother words I wouldnt have space for another cage if they didnt likeeach other. B. My BF will probably yell at me ( not that it wouldmatter in the long run:p)C. My chinchillas are on my lease but my bunisn't, so hiding 2 might be harder then 1 if I ever had to...up untilnow I haven't even tryed to hide them and never had a problem...

I suppose my question is, would getting another bun out weight anyproblems? And should I wait awhile till he settles in or will it beeasier to introduce them while everything is still new. Also would agirl be a better choice or a male...My bun Lancelot is alreadyfixed.

Honey , sounds like you have alreadyanswered your own question lol If youfeel you can take care of all ofthem go ahead but i think iwould holdoff a bit and speakto tour landlord about it first/
honeybunnie8 wrote:
I suppose my question is, would getting another bun out weightany problems? And should I wait awhile till he settles in or will it beeasier to introduce them while everything is still new. Also would agirl be a better choice or a male...My bun Lancelot is already fixed.

Before I say anything talk to your landlord first, getting kicked outof your apartment because of a rabbit is not a good idea :p If youlandlord says no then ignore anything written after this :)

I would wait a bit until everything is settles in with your new bunny.Make sure that he can bond with you a bit before you bring another bunin. If you bring a new bun in right away and Lancelot has no time tobond with you he may bond only with the new bunny and then you have anot to nice bunny on your hands :shock: (I have had that happen before!I am not saying this happens will all bunnies though)

If you do get a new bunny I would definitely suggest a female, you havea MUCH higher chance that they would bond. If you get the new bun froma shelter ask if you can bring Lancelot with you to meet differentfemale bunnies and see how he does with each one :)


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