1st Egg At 17!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
Palenville, New York, USA
Well my late FIL's bird, Triangle, laid herfirst egg yesterday. This bird is at least 17 years old. When ithappened, she started making straining noises. My BF told me to go lookin the cage. The bird was on the bottom of the cage and obviouslysqueezing something out of its behind. I told my BF, "It's eitherlaying an egg, or s***ing its brains out!" I was very upset, this meansthat this bird is going to live a long time. I am going to end upinheriting these 2 birds because they will outlive my MIL. Great.

I talked to my MIL about it, and she didn't even notice! She cleanedout the cage this morning. :shock:I hope the dog didn't getinto the cage and eat it.

If you don't have a male bird around, the egg isnot fertilized. You do need to remove it though so she doesn't becomeattached to it emotionally, and it will eventually rot. Why do youdislike the bird so much? What kind is it?
My MIL has a Macaw, that she has had since itwas a baby, named Baby. The bird that laid the egg recently is a yellowcrested cockatoo, named Triangle. She also took in this other lady'sbird, who ended up being a mean biter :devil(probably why the ladydidn't want it anymore) named Kiwi, who is a Rainbow Lorikeet.

My Mil threw the egg out, herBabylays them once ina while. I am just not a bird person. I just don't see what the bigattraction is. I am definatly not mean to the birds, I don't wantanyone thinking I am a cruel person. I was being a little sarcasticwhen I said I was very upset. ;)I just think they are dirty,and noisy. Triangle also shreds anything near her cage, we even tie oldsocks to the cage, but if she can get to the curtains, she will eatthose instead. Triangle screaches if you have food, Baby screamsrandomly throughout the day, and Kiwi constanly chirps andsqueaks. :lalalala:Also if you walk by Kiwi's cage,it will shoot crap at you! Gross!:yuck

I love birds! We used to have a male cockatielnamed JoJo and we also had a beatufiul female sun conure named Sonny.Sonny started laying eggs when she was about six years old and we readthat they aren't supposed to if they have a correct diet. Might besomething to bring up to your MIL?

They really are 1 person creatures, so I understand why you don't carefor them if they look at your MIL as their mate.. they really are greatcompanions though.

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