I don't really advise getting 2 young rabbits (8 or so weeks) at the same time with the intention of keeping them together. This is because there can be issues as the rabbits reach maturity (around 4-6 months old). If you get a male and female, they can breed as early as around 3 months old, they would need to be separated before then and kept totally apart until both are fixed. 2 males will usually fight and can be harder to bond as adults when neutered. 2 females can get along, but there is still a chance of them not getting along and they should still be spayed to help prevent issues. Since most vets won't spay or neuter until around 4 months for males (after the testicles drop) and 5-6 months for females, it can be a few months before you can really work on bonding to have them live together.
What I do recommend is getting one now and when it is old enough getting it spayed or neutered. Once it is healed (usually wait around a month after to be safe and have the hormones decrease), you can then look for a spayed or neutered adults to try bonding with.
If you are committed and can afford it, then you can get 2 now, but be prepared to have them separated until they can be spayed or neutered.