♡Whats your favorite thing you have for your bunnies?♡

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2021
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Hi Everyone!!
Whats your favorite item in your rabbits space? Or are you just inlove with your rabbit's space and want to share? Post it here! It can give people ideas of what to buy for there bunny! If you have a link make sure to link it so others can get it too! If you have an idea of what you want but dont know what to choose just ask the question! Im sure me or someone else can help you find the perfect item for your bunny! If you make DIY's for your bunny, don't be shy, post them! I love new ideas for DIY's and i'm sure others would like them too! Also make sure to show some love by leaving a like for everyone to tell them that they are doing good! Can't wait to see all your guys ideas!
thats awesome! Wheres the log from?
Amazon. More looks than actual toy. Shen doesn't care about it and Xiao Wu was more interested in her box forts.

Ted and I play a game called Big Bad Wolf. I pick him up, hold him close, and make growly noises while fake-biting his ears and back. Then I put him down on the recliner, and cover him with a light blanket. It usually takes about 30 seconds for him to work his way out from under the blanket. Then, he spends about a minute straightening out the blanket. I don’t know what to call it, maybe nesting behavior? Scrunching?

Whatever, he really enjoys the game. Figuring out how to escape from the blanket gives him a sense of accomplishment, and makes him really happy. I don’t know if every rabbit would enjoy being covered by a blanket, but some might like it.

Ted and I play a game called Big Bad Wolf. I pick him up, hold him close, and make growly noises while fake-biting his ears and back. Then I put him down on the recliner, and cover him with a light blanket. It usually takes about 30 seconds for him to work his way out from under the blanket. Then, he spends about a minute straightening out the blanket. I don’t know what to call it, maybe nesting behavior? Scrunching?

Whatever, he really enjoys the game. Figuring out how to escape from the blanket gives him a sense of accomplishment, and makes him really happy. I don’t know if every rabbit would enjoy being covered by a blanket, but some might like it.


Both Lawrence and Lucas like playing a similar game called "Where's the Bunny?!" where I (gently) throw a towel over them, and they find their way out. Then push the towel around, in the case of Lawrence, and dig at it in the case of Lucas. The love it, though, and will keep wanting me to do it... even Lucas, who is scared of everything!
I will, literally, be on all fours on the floor and Shen runs behind me. Then I look around, going "Where's Shen?", even though I can clearly see him, but pretend I don't. Then exclaim excitedly "there he is!" when he runs around to beside or in front of me. After that, I lay down on my stomach and let him use me as a ramp to my chair so he can look around.
Xiao Wu loves flipping her hidey box around on my bed and does it on purpose to make us put it back for her.
I just got a hop and flop! Peanut loves it!
While I have lots of favorite toys and things for the kids (the best is the outdoor play area and the stuffed toys I got each the day I brought them home), my favorite thing from my rabbits is a little carved wooden pine tree that my mom asked a friend of hers to make out of our beloved rabbit Neal's favorite block of wood/chew toy after he died. There was enough wood to make two little trees, one for me and one for my sister. He often used his block of wood as a pillow, and I can't think of a better keepsake to remember my sweet boy.
Bump! I want to get more ideas for my baby, so please post your favorite items!
I have a hay mat and some carrot shaped hay thingies. 🙃 I also have a little hat for him
I saw that shop when it had no sales, sadly it does not ship to the US

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