spayed female

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  1. Nala-Bun21

    Post spay - bunny won’t come for hugs anymore ☹️ And digging excessively!!

    Hello, my little Nala was so affectionate and loved cuddles before her spay 2 weeks ago. She used to spend ages in my arms on the sofa but since her spay she seems scared of me in that respect! Her litter box use has massively improved and she isn’t marking on the sofa or spraying my feet! 🙏🏼...
  2. Liana

    Female rabbit is litter trained and spayed 6 months ago but still marks her territory

    Hey guys, so I really need some help with my bunny peanut I got her about 13 months ago, and she was already 7 weeks old. After quite a bit of trouble, I eventually got her litter trained. She was doing really great, and would only occasionally leave a few droppings and would sometimes pee on...
  3. X

    How do I stop my spayed bunny peeing on my pillows?

    My 4 month old bunny keeps peeing on my pillows, I'm really confused as she's spayed which I thought would stop marking, She's totally free roam, I don't have a cage for her, and I can't afford one She normally sleeps on my bed at night on one pillow while I sleep on the other, she'll be fine...
  4. SorryBun

    Spay Area Infected ?

    I feel so bad it’s been 7 days since her surgery and she is a big girl and it’s hard to carry her. She was eating fine until Wednesday and Thursday after observing she stopped eating. I critical cared her and emailed the vet. What do you thing will happen next ?
  5. Mrs641

    Advice for my newly adopted holland lop (male)

    I have a 2 year old female, spayed, Holland lop. She’s been with us for almost 6month and we just love her! I just took in today an intact male, Holland lop. I expected there to be some hormonal behavior on his part, but whoa! He’s humping anything and everything he can find! We introduced them...