Hello! this is my first time posting on here. I have a pet Netherland dwarf bunny who is about to be 5. a couple hours ago i noticed he kept sneezing which oh well it happens, but it kept happening n is continuing as i write. it’s not excessive but if it was a human u would probably assume they...
I have 2 bonded sibling Netherland Dwarf rabbits. They are approximately 5 years old, both altered, litter box trained, and have independent personalities. They are brother and sister and have been socialized around other pets, people, and things. I have been fostering them for several...
Hi wondering if I breed a BEW(both parents are BEW) with a fawn blue eyed (parents are lynx and blue eyed opal) , what colour of new babies I should expected?
I currently have a broken otter black buck and a solid blue buck, both are pedigree ND. I just put a deposit on a pedigreed Smoke Pearl ND doe and plan to bred her once she is old enough. Which buck would be the best to bred her too? If neither buck is the best match for her I can pick up...
I'm going to adopt/buy one or two Netherland Dwarf baby rabbit in Connecticut.
Do you know where I can find Netherland Dwarf baby rabbit in Connecticut?