
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. atib1980

    Help identifying the exact breed of my rabbit

    Can someone help me identify the exact race of my wonder bunny named Cuki. I believe he's a mixed breed (Harlequin, Dutch and maybe Cinnamon rabbit breeds). My mother and sister bought him at a Christmas market on 6th of December, 2018. Originally Cuki was bought for my 5 years old lovely niece...
  2. bunvinni

    Please help figure out breed!

    Hi! I'm a new bunny owner and I just got my first baby. His vet visit isn't scheduled until next week so i'm not even sure of the gender and definitely not the breed... he's VERY tiny and the fur is longer than i've seen in pictures of rexes His one ear flops down to the side a lot so someone...
  3. J

    Owner of two/First post/Identify breed

    I adopted a Holland lop Male named Bugs, and about three weeks later adopted this beauty. I renamed her Violet. I believe she has lionhead in her but is a mix of something else as well. She is about 8 months old and getting more and more comfortable with my Male every day. Still in her cage...
  4. pingoose

    Rabbit Breed and Age?

    Hi all, I recently took in a rabbit who was dumped at my local park (keeping her separate from my other rabbit for now, intending on bonding them eventually), and I’m sort of bewildered on what her breed and age are. Pictures are attached. Her coat is completely white and she has blue eyes...
  5. rocket'smommy

    Help me identify my baby boy.

    Hey guys I recently became the mommy to a beautiful baby boy. He is a holland lop he is 8 weeks old. The breeder said he was a holland lop. Today when I went back to get some supplies from her I saw her daddy he was quite big which made me worry that my baby was a mini lop. I asked the breeder...
  6. Alfihaer

    Any suggestions on LionHead lop mini care

    I currently have a young lion head mini lop, i took him October 15, 2018 at 8 weeks old and im still learning ropes of this breeds care as previous a week before hand my original old guy passed away and was a hotot drawf, named cloud whom we adopted off the streets at least 2 years old and...
  7. J

    What breed is my rabbit?

    Hi all New rabbit owner here, recently got my first boy and tried to use the identification post to see what breed my rabbit is but a lot of the images don't work and I didn't have any luck :)! He is around 9 inches long, 5 months old and weighs 3.3lbs/1.5kg. Here are some pictures, thanks all. J