health concerns

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  1. Cheesepaws

    health concern please help

    I've noticed my bun Binky hasn't been running around or moving unless she has to (to eat/drink) but she doesn't hop, just shuffles along, and she's in a weird posture, like a dog when they're taking a ****? Her middle half is bigger than usual and her butt is smaller, I don't really know how to...
  2. Ayesha

    My rabbit isn’t eating anything. Need help

    Hello This is my first post. My rabbit, Luna, age 4 years stopped eating and pooping almost 5 days ago. She was only drinking water and refused to eat even her favorite treats. This continued for two days before I could take her to a vet. They started her on antibiotics and liver tonics and I...
  3. J

    Reoccurring cecal dysbiosis

    Hi, guys. I am new here and just looking to see if any new information can be provided. I post around to a lot of different rabbit groups but this seems to be a topic that not many touch on deeply. My 3 year old rabbit, male, thuringer, has on and off cecal dysbiosis. He's on hay and water...
  4. taylor anne

    Bunny third eyelid visible when grooming

    My bunny is 3 yr old male, and is healthy, he isn't neutered (yet, he's going to be for a "christmas present") I'm 16 yrs of age and his primary caretaker. We have a dog so he is only free roam in my room. I've noticed a few months ago that his third eyelid becomes visible when he grooms...
  5. arloiven

    rabbit ate chocolate

    rabbit ate some chocolate hi, let me know if this isnt allowed and i'll remove it its 2am here and ive just discovered that my rabbit has likely eaten some of this chocolate, it was placed up on the sofa but she jumped up there. im worried now, ive put my finger there for scale and the intact...
  6. L

    Red bald patch on back

    Hi I’m Hannah and my rabbit Lola recently has gotten a bald red like crusty almost spot on her back and she’s not irritated when I pet over it and I wet it and took some of the white things out they weren’t bugs but the bedding from in her cage but her spot looks like it’s been burnt and cut and...
  7. Ostracize

    Is this an infection?

    I‘m worried that this could be serious since ive read that medical problems in rabbits are pretty hard to spot behavior wise. I dont think hes been acting too differently, but he does eat about half of the food he should (going off his breed’s average weight and the food bag). Im not able to see...
  8. Pinkiepets

    Is my bunny cold?

    Hey! My dwarf rabbit was shaking when I held her is that normal or is she cold? My rabbits used to be inside but have to be in the garage now, they have a heat lamp and blankets but I’m worried that she’s cold? What is the coldest temperature a dwarf bunny can take?
  9. Lola56

    17 day old kit dragging back legs

    Hi, I have a 17 day old litter of buns and notice one of them is dragging his back legs. I did the pinch test and has feeling in one leg for definite, but I don’t think the other. He’s eating and drinking fine and still has bladder control. Is there any possibility of him regaining feeling in...
  10. AshleyM03

    Peeing after stasis

    hello! My rabbit boba is about 9 months old now. I got her spayed 2 months ago, she had a bout of GI stasis about 2 weeks ago, she has been recovering fine and the vet sent us home with cisapride and metacopramide. We were instructed to administer both until they were used up every 12 hours. The...
  11. Lola56

    4 day old kit bulging eye

    Anyone have this issue before? I have a 4 day old kit, when I checked the nest the day of birth there was a scratch close to the eye and I was advised that it would heal on its own and it has, but now one eye is visibly swollen and I’m concerned. Anything I can do? Thank you
  12. mollyisthecoolest

    One of my rabbits ears have flopped

    My rabbit glen is around 8 months old and has had standing ears all his life, sometimes one of his ears flops when he is relaxed but it usually goes back to normal quickly. His left ear has flopped down and has stayed like that for a few days. I’m pretty sure this is normal as all of his 11...
  13. S

    Bunny on antibiotic and antitoxin has mismatched poops.

    Long story short, we had a plant (Madagascar Dragon Tree) that was growing in our yard that was toxic to my bunny because she ate the leafs of a growing bud. She's way better now, yesterday she wouldn't eat anything besides hay and water - but now she's eating her veggies again (still refusing...
  14. emmaskye

    Help, not sure what to do -- messy bottom

    Just saw my rabbit’s bottom today, never seen this before. Does anybody know what this is? And can you help on what to do
  15. Garett

    Reoccurring possible uti?

    Hey there! so my one rabbit Navi is 3 years old and has been having issues since last November with a UTI, we treated with baytril and she was good for a while. Then in January and February she had to be treated again. ( when I’ve taken her to the vet they have done a free catch urine analysis...
  16. L

    Swollen nasal passages since car trip, confused and worried.

    Hello everyone! I am a proud bunny mom of a mini lionhead mix and he is my everything. We spend a lot of time together and I lead a very quiet lifestyle. The only thing I’ve recently been doing often (to dally’s dismay) is long car trips. My friends and family are back in a different state and I...
  17. E

    Red blood vessels?

    Hello! I hope everybody is doing well today. I thought I would come on here to ask a question. I noticed that my rabbit’s eyes seemed a little bit more red than they usually are. Does this look like a normal to you guys? It wasn’t this red in the past, which is why I am a little worried. I...
  18. PeterDussan31

    Should I be going to a ER?

    My baby has been shaking/trembling most times he lies down since tuesday. Like when flops, or chills on his side..Ive called a couple vets offices but they tell me to just keep and eye out. That they dont have any available appointments until two weeks from now. Apart from this behavior we dont...
  19. M

    Looking for potential answers… (death related)

    My bun, Ainsley passed away yesterday and I just have no idea what happened. She was a 2 year old Lionhead mix (I suspect that she was mixed with mini lop.) She was really lethargic and stopped eating the early morning of December 21 (I noticed at around 3AM, and had brought her to her pen with...
  20. Emikuu

    Rabbit abscess

    So my rabbit had her abscesses treated via surgery and at the checkup after the vet said it had some puss in it so he drained it cleaned it.He didn’t seem to worried about it only that it just gets cleaned properly which I have been and giving her medicine.The thing I have a question on is that...