
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Stela

    Orchard hay

    Hello I recently got orchard grass hay and it’s smell sour it’s not a bad smell but I’m worried if this mean it has gone bad ,what is orchard grass hay supposed to smell like?
  2. Stela

    Mold in Timothy hay?

    Hello I found this in Timothy hay do you think it’s mold?
  3. Bunnygreen

    Handheld Vacuum Recommendations

    Hi everyone! I am looking for a handheld vacuum for the miscellaneous hay/poops that linger around Dr. Cheese's litterbox and eating area, does anyone have a recommendation of one that works well for them? Please include a link and/or model information. Thanks in advance!
  4. AshAndMaple

    Help - alternative to hay?

    Hi, so normally my bunnies eat Timothy hay, but Maple (female, 8 months old) went into gut stasis last week (unknown cause - teeth are fine), and since then I can't get her to eat hay. She'll have a slight nibble on some alfalfa, but she's only really eating fresh food, dried flowers and excel...
  5. mollyisthecoolest

    Can rabbits get overweight from too much hay?

    My 10 month old out door rabbit has put on a noticeable amount of weight since the summer. My family say he looks bigger and his double chin has also gotten bigger. I’m not sure why and i’m trying to work out what i should be reducing safely. I’ve increased his pellets to 1/3 cup a day and i’ve...
  6. LolaE

    Methods to contain hay (allergies!) - hooded litter box?

    Hello everyone! I'm very allergic to hay, so I'm trying to think of how to minimise the hay in the air in my house. I have two little inside bunnies (and they can't live outside--it's too cold! Plus, I like having them indoors with me. :) ). What I've been doing for the last year or so is...
  7. GertieP

    New bunny poop question

    Rocco is our first rabbit so we are learning it all from scratch. Glad we found this forum! He is about 2 years old and the vet we took him to when we first got him in early Dec (he was a rescue) said he appeared healthy. He did have one episode of gut stasis which we were able to resolve with...
  8. Morchall

    Rabbit respiratory problems?

    My giant papillon Gus has some problems! (I put an * next to questions I have.) Every few months or so, he starts getting wet eyes, and starts scratching them a lot. Sometimes it even leads to him getting sores around his eyes because he won't leave them alone. He also starts getting sneezing...
  9. Katie94

    Which is better for rabbits timothy or meadow hay.

    I’m confused which hay I should get for my rabbits. I’m changing hay supplier and have a choice between the two, I don’t really know if one is better than the other. I tried them with a sample of both and they ate both and were probably more keen on the meadow hay. I’m unsure which would be best...
  10. A

    Can this be dangerous?

    Hello, yesterday I noticed all over my bunny's area these little bugs. there were like tons of them, I killed most of them but today I still notice them on furniture, walls etc... They don't sit on rabbit or bite it nor me, they just... live. I am wondering if this can be fron hay from local...
  11. Haru the Lionhead

    Litter box

    How do you guys set up your litter box?i saw a video and they said i can put a pee pad and hay over it and that’s it, and I’ve been doing that and it works fine. Today i saw a video of someone cleaning the litter box, it was the same, pee pad and hay, but the hay was on one side and the pee and...
  12. Haru the Lionhead

    what brand should i get?

    Hello guys, ever since i got haru I’ve been looking for the best hay I could find. The first one I don’t remember the brand name but it was VERY dusty, and after that I’ve been buying burgess excel, I tried the long stem one, the one with dandelion, and another one I also forgot what it was, I...
  13. Haru the Lionhead

    Hay fever

    Is it okay if i wash the hay and let it dry before feeding it to my bunny¿ she used to sneeze alot and when I started washing it the sneezing stopped but I didn’t know if it was safe or not.
  14. C

    Hay Brand

    Has anyone ever ordered from Small Pet Select? I was considering their Timothy hay since I hear such good reviews. I’m currently using oxbow but it’s usually a hit or miss with their quality (with the hay I’m receiving at least) Rabbit Products
  15. B

    Should i cover my rabbits playpen

    Should I cover my rabbits playpen at night 🌉
  16. B

    Hypoglycemia possibly leading to blindness in my English Lop

    Hello All, Just joined this site hoping to find some advise. My wife and I recently purchased a English Lop we named Joey from a reputable breeder that we have bought bunnies from before. We have 1 other English Lop and a French Lop as well. Joey has had a rough life so far as his mother passed...
  17. R

    Rabbit refuses to eat hay

    My rabbit used to eat hay, but now she simply refuses to eat it. There is always unlimited amounts of hay ( the same one she used to eat when she was younger) in her place, but she doesn't seem to be eating anything of it at all. I give her pellets at 6:00pm , and at night i leave her to eat...
  18. cosmoluna

    really small droppings and won’t eat breakfast

    Hello everyone. I posted a thread yesterday asking about which digestive supplements might help my bunnies but got no answers. Today has been about the same as yesterday, with my buns both eating hay and greens. They will eat compressed hay bales, oxbow digestive health supplement, and greens...
  19. cosmoluna

    Best Digestive Support Suplement?

    Hi everyone! For the past few days my buns have both randomly had very small droppings and don’t want to eat much early in the mornings. They eat hay and fresh veggies in the afternoon and evening perfectly fine, and are drinking water. They also act very normal and have been more active...
  20. emmaskye

    Litter training

    Is it ok if I take my 8 week old bunny’s pellets away for awhile to encourage her to use her litter box for litter training (it is filled with alfalfa hay)