
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. atib1980

    Help identifying the exact breed of my rabbit

    Can someone help me identify the exact race of my wonder bunny named Cuki. I believe he's a mixed breed (Harlequin, Dutch and maybe Cinnamon rabbit breeds). My mother and sister bought him at a Christmas market on 6th of December, 2018. Originally Cuki was bought for my 5 years old lovely niece...
  2. D

    My first 4 months with Daisy Mae

    Morning All As a new bunny mum, I thought I’d share my first 4 months of learns and thoughts. Firstly I’d say this forum is so helpful for little questions that come up. Daisy Mae was 9 weeks when I had her from my cousins farm, I just fell in love with her. I was worried about her non stop...
  3. Kaden@oakleyrabbitry

    Chinchilla Dutch Variety

    Hello, I have a question. In all of the shows, I have been to in my area I have never seen Chinchilla Dutch. I breed dutch, Specifically Black, Blue, and Tort. I am looking into Chincilla dutch and can't really find out how they are breed. Does anyone know what two varieties you breed or how you...
  4. Andrew Bull

    Pair of sisters - Floor and Dianne

    Hello! new poster here, found this site when checking that their poop was ok (lovely, I know). We adopted them back of June this year, at around 2 years old. They're a right pair - DIanne is the smaller of the two, but the more dominant in their relationship (including face humping!); Floor is a...