bonding issues

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  1. miaauu

    Unsuccessful bonding (aggression)

    Hi, so. I've had a male bunny T for 4 years and got him a bunny friend, B, female. We got them spayed/neutered and had B for a month now. They both have their own space and we put them together to bond, at first without being able to access each other and then with, but B keeps attacking T...
  2. KayDai

    Need help bonding 3 dominant bunnies

    So as the title reads I have 3 bunnies all dominant and honestly getting aggressive as well, I have 2 males and 1 female, all of which are spayed and neutered, they are all varying ages but are all under 3. Right now I've been trying to slowly bond them all with no avail, right now I have them...
  3. P

    bonding trio help

    Hi all, I wanted to make this post and ask for any advice. I am not necessarily a rabbit newbie and have successfully bonded a trio before. But to be honest all my bonds have fortunately been very easy. Sadly, my eldest bunny passed a few months ago. Because the other two were a trio before...
  4. TheSunnyBuns

    Bunny Bonding Advice

    On April 6th I started my bonding journey (24/7 method) It’s been relatively decent but there’s just a couple things that have me hesitant to expand their pen (currently in a 2x2 as we’re still on the first step) . For a bit of background Arizona, my girl, is free roamed and Phoenix, my boy, is...
  5. Stellalop

    Bonding - advice

    I've had a female bunny for a year. I just got a new male bunny a month ago. I've been slowly bonding them in a neutral space and everything seems to have gone really well. Their pens were side by side in the main room and then I took them through to another room to bond. Stella was a little...
  6. J

    Unbonded buns and depression...

    Hi guys! I have a bunny wellness question....we have 2 bonded rabbits (minilop brothers) who are pretty happy with each other, and we also have a British giant who isn't bonded to them. They have all been neutered, and lived side by side or at least in cooee for a number of months. They are all...
  7. T

    Newly bonded rabbits excessively humping

    Hi, mid august I adopted a beautiful new lion Holland cross to bond with my Holland lop. she had only just been fixed so I had to wait until 24th August before starting the bonding process but started the scent swapping etc during that time. Fast forward to last Saturday (11th September)...
  8. D

    Bonding Struggles :(

    My mother and I have been struggling to find the right way to bond our two female bunnies. One is nearly a year old (Bella, grey lop) and the other is going to be a year in November (Phoebe, lionhead). Both are neutered Phoebe is definitely the submissive of the two. Bella has never once groomed...
  9. Magpie689

    Bonding difficult rabbits

    Hello again, So things aren't working out with Primrose. She's yet to be spayed, but Peanut and Steve both have taken turns pulling her fur when she's out for exercise. Then this morning, Boo (my most submissive rabbit) actually grabbed Primrose through the bars and the two of them were rolling...
  10. C97A1A9D-DBA5-4996-940B-3A5FF555A3C1.jpeg


    hey guys i need some help with a bonding process. i have two males (both neutered and all healed) and i had them meet in neutral area today. it went great and they were grooming eachother and cuddling. i moved them to their intended living space and as soon as i did, they circled and fought. :(
  11. Breemarie77

    Bunny bonding behavior change

    Hello! I recently adopted a 3yo fixed female and I have a 1yo unfixed male. He’s getting fixed but it’s not until January. I have their cages in the same room, and I’m actually thinking about separating them now as he has started spraying and not eating as much because he can’t stop thinking...
  12. EclipseTheLionhead

    Bonding With Your Bunny For The First Time: Tips and Tricks

    Hi there! So my little bunny got home for the first time Saturday. I've been leaving her alone in her cage, just making sure she has fresh food, water and hay everyday just until her 48 hour adjustment period is up. She has really came out of her shell already and is running around, living life...
  13. A


    Hi guys!! So at the moment I am trying to bond my three mini-lops; a male 1y 1m and two girls 7m. All are neutered. They are all outside rabbits. Our male we got first, we got him desexed at 6m and then bought a huge shed and run as we intended to adopt a girl bunny that was at our local rspca...
  14. M

    Please Help - Bonding Rabbits

    I have a 7 year old mini lop male named Hopkins that has been neutered (white/calico). My fiancé and I have had him for many years and felt he would love to have a friend, so we adopted Fiona from a local shelter in mid March (brown bunny). She has been spayed and we believe she is a mini lop as...
  15. B

    Wits End

    Hello Everybun, for quite a while I have been using the site for help, suggestions and advice, which has helped until now. I've decided to join because I am at my wits end. I've had a number of bunnies over the years but this beast is testing my patience. Bosley is large French lop buck with a...
  16. Binkylife

    Neutered Rabbit still sprays 😱

    I adopted an older rabbit that still sprays. Is there anything I can do about this? It feels like territory war with my very dominant female mini Rex. Help! Some background: I adopted a male mini Rex rabbit who is 2.5 years old. His name is Pip, I joked that he was probably named that because...
  17. Hoolia

    Rabbits Ignoring Each Other

    I recently rescued an older bunny (Pup, 6y) to bond with my very old blind boy (Jackson, 9) who lost both his mates last year. Since my old man isn’t aggressive or territorial in the slightest, bonding him has never been hard. The new bunny I have found isn’t territorial either so I’ve been...
  18. B

    Help with bunny bonding please!

    Hi all, I was hoping someone might be able to offer me some advice. My husband and I have a 2 year old female bun who was spayed in October (3 months ago). She has always been a slightly difficult bunny, we are not able to hold her as she is completely terrified (we tried when she was young...
  19. A

    Help needed.. bonding two male bunnies

    Hello! I have two male bunnies. Angel is 2 years and spayed, and Teddy was spayed over two months ago. Teddy's age is around 7 months, but I am not sure because we had to rescue him from a bad home... While teddy was still a baby they were living together in the same cage. And yes, I am aware...
  20. B

    What to do for surface wounds from fight with another rabbit?

    I recently adopted a young unneutered rabbit to bond with my neutered rabbit (he is booked to be neutered in a few days). I wanted to start bonding them right away, so I did a few weeks of prebonding and they are now living happily in two separate cages next to each other. For the last week or...