Heya my name's Will and I'm new here!
I'm 16 and own a 5 month old mutt rabbit. His name is Myer and I'm not sure of what he is, although I think he's a lop mix of some kind.
If you can tell me what breed they are that would be great cuz online I’ve had a lot of difficulty!
Romeo: 2.5 pounds,white with black spots,7 months, male
Bambi: 17 pounds, pregnant, white with black spots, 11 months old, female
I have had a silver fox rabbit, Ginny, for about a year and a half. She has been really good using litter box, but always been moody. Always prefers men to women. Then while picking up my granddaughter from her mother, we saw a white bunny running loose in a very busy city intersection. My son...