
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. BunnyMom2

    Help Me! One of my female bunnies are keep pulling out the other bunny’s fur VIOLENTLY!

    One of my female bunnies are keep pulling out the other bunny’s fur VIOLENTLY! The one attacking violently is 9months old and the other one is a 3month old. We just started taking care of them and I don’t know what to do. The 3month old is running away from the 9month old every time it gets...
  2. Darojati

    Will biting habit go away after neuter?

    Hey everyone, We have recently adopted 1 year old buck about a week ago. The buck is not yet fixed and we plan to neuter him tomorrow (sunday). He recently started being aggressive a couple of days ago, bite my hand (twice) when i pet him and gave him food. He's been like that since then till...
  3. xalyrose

    Rabbit is not very nice! PLEASE HELP ASAP!

    Hi everyone. I am in NEED of some advice!!! I recently adopted a 2 year old mini lop from the shelter almost a month ago. His name is Wubbzy! He is neutered but his behavior is still not that great even though the shelter kept telling me how "sweet" he was lol. I'm at my wits end. Wubbzy has a...
  4. C

    Biting Rabbit

    Hello, My rabbit Jinmi who I’ve almost had for a year definitely seems to have behavior issues. She always nips/ bites me when I’m in her way or if I don’t giver her food right away (since she’ll smell/ sense I’m prepping it in front of her). She also nips only me over any of my family/ friends...
  5. changeme4

    Rude and mean

    Ok. So help me out. I have had problems with my bunny before... and I still have MAJOR issues!! I got her potty trained, I let her roam my room every 4-8 times a day maybe 30 min or more until I have to leave for work or just have a few hours for myself and friends. She still chews on my carpet...
  6. Donna Pryor

    Why is my rabbit digging at me and biting my clothes

    my 5 month old spayed female lop seems cross with me. When I’m sitting on sofa reading or watching telly she climbs on my chest looks at me then digs my T-shirt and chews it. I move her off then she comes back seconds later she also bites my arms or skin now and then but not hard enough to draw...
  7. T

    My bunnys behaviour..

    Hey can anybody please give me some tips? I have a mini lop bunny, he's maybe a few months old now. I use to have a female minilop and she was the nicest bunny, was fine with her relatively small hutch as she got heaps of run around time. Always cuddly, playful and never ever bit or scratched...
  8. A

    Aggressive when being held

    I have a 7 month old Flemish Giant. I got her when she was 5 and she was neutered the next month. She runs up to me and loves "some" attention. At times she will jump in my bed for a quick cuddle then she scurries off. I've reading here about others who's rabbit doesn't like to be held...
  9. Briannamb310


    Hey all. Bear with me , I’m gonna try and explain this since I’m at a loss. I recently lost one of my rabbit friends. So I saw one for adoption at a pet store who was contracting through a shelter that has a high kill rate. I wanted him out of there and here where I could best care for him and...
  10. J

    Unbonded rabbits biting me

    Hi, I’m hoping someone can help. We have two rabbits who don’t live together yet (separate rooms). I can’t bond them yet as I’m saving to get our doe spayed. The other day our buck bit me hard after I went straight from her to him. Since then I’ve been showering in between seeing them (crazy...
  11. N

    Rabbit digging on me like it’s a sport

    So our rabbit is about 3 months old (just started hitting puberty) and he loves to dig specifically on me I can pick him up and set him in my lap (he doesn’t mind being held...most of the time) and after a few pets he will start digging in my shirt like crazy and stop and bit my shirt pull on it...
  12. Alisha

    Bonding question

    I have a 1.5 year old mini rex spayed female (Luna) and we finally got an additional rabbit (Mooncake, neutered 7 month old male) and because we haven't bonded them yet, he's actually in an NIC enclosure and Luna is free roam because she has always been. A note to add because I'm not sure if...
  13. Humphrey&Olive

    Suddenly become aggressive ?

    I have two mini lops, my buck Humphrey is 9 months old and my Doe Olive is 7 months old. Humphrey was neutered a while ago, and until Olive was spayed we kept them in separate cages, but got them out at the same time occasionally to bond, (making sure he didn’t mount her). They were getting on...
  14. Zoe Franchino

    Discouraging Biting/charging?

    Recently, my bunny has started charging at my hand to bite when I clean his cage. Surely it’s territorial, but I still don’t like the behavior. He’s free roam, and he’s fine when he’s outside the cage. I’ve had him since March and he just started doing this a couple of weeks ago. I tell him no...
  15. BonbonandJujubee

    Bunny won't stop biting

    We just got a new bunny, overall she is very sweet. But when we are giving her food or water she will attack you. I don't know what to do about this, I don't want to hurt her but I do want to teach her that it is ok for us to put our hands in her cage. When she is outside of her she is fine...
  16. O

    New young bunny chewing very hard and biting shoes and pants

    HI Everyone I just got a new bunny last Saturday and he is really wild acting. He is a continental Giant who is 4 mos old. I know he hasn't been handled much so he was naturally scared at first but after just 1 day he has warmed up. I have him in a very large dog crate so after the first day I...
  17. Nelsoj39

    Bunny turned aggressive

    So recently my bunny, Molly turned aggressive. She has been spayed and we’ve had her for over a year now. She was very timid when we first got her but we gained her trust and she turned into a sweet bun who would always follow me around. But for the past month she’s turned aggressive! I think it...
  18. Tinto

    What am I doing wrong?

    Is my bunny bored or lonely?? I cannot find out. I watched tons of videos on youtube about bonding and therefore I have been trying to sit inside the playing pen every morning and every evening, but sometimes my bunny boy ignores me, sometimes he gets nervous as if I was disturbing him. I don't...
  19. L

    How do I calm my bunny down?

    My little buck has become almost feral and will grunt and kick when I pick him up. When I got him he was super docile, but now he runs away from me and lunges if I stick my hand in his cage. I’m suspecting it might be that he’s stressed out, due to the fact that his hutch and enclosure are...
  20. M

    chewing and digging

    Hello, wondering if anyone could advice me. we have a bunny, male, recently spayed, aprox 6 months old. he has had a recent obsession with trying to get behind the sofa, an area we dont want him as we cant see what he is up to. to stop him getting there we have shoved a pillow between the sofa...