My name is Lexi and my husbands name is Scott. We are new to rabbits and currently have 2. One doe of unknown origin, Gizmo, she's 8 months old and a super sweet bunny (with an attitude!). We also have our newest bundle of joy Billy. She's a 2 1/2 month old lionhead/rex mix. They have the best personalities !
Our goals are to 100% litter train and to bond them. I love DIY stuff so I hope to include as many tutorials and tips on doing things yourself. I'm not sure if this will be a successful thread but I have hope! I mostly want to share how cute they are and get some peaks at your cute bunnies! Any tips , tricks, and DIY's welcome! Thanks everyone
Our goals are to 100% litter train and to bond them. I love DIY stuff so I hope to include as many tutorials and tips on doing things yourself. I'm not sure if this will be a successful thread but I have hope! I mostly want to share how cute they are and get some peaks at your cute bunnies! Any tips , tricks, and DIY's welcome! Thanks everyone