Well-Known Member
We took our chronically ill Flemie to the vet this past week. After treating unsuccessfully for an "infection" in his throat which does not seem to be dental related, nor does he have any symptoms of respiratory issues, and he has recently had a dental trimming/inspection. We have a very rabbit savvy vet who has tried to be budget conscious, and has tried to resolve this strange issue for a while. Anyways, getting back to this week, he has been treated with Baytril and was not completely responsive, so the vet recommended Doxycycline, but the medicine that the vet tech gave us is Doxy-minocycline. From what I have read, giving doxycycline and minocycline can cause pleuracy? in rabbits possibly. He is about an 18 pound Flemie, so she is giving him a 100mg dosage through pill form (we will mix with water and possibly banana and deliver orally through one of the med syringes (not the kind with a needle)). I looked up proper dosage for rabbits for Docycycline, and it says according to his weight, he should only be getting 25mg. I'm going to call the vet to make sure that we have the right meds and the right dosage, but wondered if anyone else here has used this and knows about the dosage issue? I just want to be sure since we have never given this before. Anyone who has used it - did you have any stomach issues or other issues?