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  1. MeOMy

    Hi there!

    :?I accidentally posted a new topic, sorry, I meant to reply. Just wanted to show ya'll a picture of Puddle and thank yous for welcoming me so nicely. Hope you can see him alright, is there a better place to post a pic?
  2. MeOMy

    Hi there!

    Thank you all for the nice welcome. I put a picture of Puddleas my Avatar, can you see him? It's the best pic I have of him for now. Is there a better place to post a pic? Thanks
  3. MeOMy

    Silly things you believed when you were young

    I couldn't resist adding to this but I was raised in Arizona and we traveled quit a bit. Arizona of course is surrounded by mountains and as a child I just couldn't comprehend how you got around those mountainsand ended up someplace else. :P I also use to call sideburns "fireflies"! :biggrin2:
  4. MeOMy

    Hi there!

    Hello everyone! I just adopted my firstbunny a week ago from a shelter. His name is Puddle. He aquired his named because he was found in a puddle during our June floods. I love him so much already. He is showing me signs of his affection by licking me and seeming to become very relaxed with...