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  1. R

    First day! Please help with cage setup....

    What I like about the wire bottom, is that allthe poop goes through the wires, so he isn't sitting in it, and I cantell easily where he is going. Spoh, how quickly did your bun learn to use the box when the entireroom was open? Was that at 8 weeks too, or did that takelonger?
  2. R

    First day! Please help with cage setup....

    Thanks. We love him already!He is so cuddly right now. He will stay on your lap for aslong as you want. Once you put him on the floor, he hopsaround, exploring constantly. If he is this cuddly now, if wekeep holding him a lot, will he stay this way as an adult, or is itjust a baby thing...
  3. R

    Odor Control

    O.k., if I got this right, Vanilla is for flystrikes, and tea if for urine odor. So for odor control, whynot give them caffeine free tea all the time? :ponder: Thanks! Rick
  4. R

    First day! Please help with cage setup....

    We just got a baby Holland Lop. Verycute and cuddly. When we put him down, he explores the house. I got acage with the metal mesh floor. I want to litter box train him. I put alitter box in a corner with CareFresh and hay. When in the cage, heseems to like to lie in there. I quickly took it out...