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  1. X

    New Member, needing help!

    *sigh* oh! well that's VERY good to know becausehe's about that age. We got him, in July from the pet store, and hecouldnt have been too old. They didn't know if he was a boy or girlyet, ha ha. So maybe 6 or 7 months old? He used to be so sweet? I'dshake the treat bag and he'd come running and...
  2. X

    New Member, needing help!

    Hello everyone! My name is Leeah and I have a little bun names cuddles. I don't like to keep him in a cage. So what I do instead is I keep hislitter box food/water in the bathroom, and keep him in there if I'm nothome. Otherwise I try to let him run around and play with the kitties(of whom...