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  1. M

    patter of tiny feet

    Hi everbody, Just thought I'd let you know we are not going to have a patterof tiny feet :(, took them both to the vets today as we could not standthe not knowing, they are both females so we have a bunnie that ishaving a phantom pregancy, never mind maybe we will mate them later;). Thanks for...
  2. M

    patter of tiny feet

    Thanks for the info. I have just made her a nestbox out of some scrapes of wood and placed all the bedding that she hasmade in it, the only problem was I could not place the box where shewas making the nest and she is now making a new nest where the originalone was, what can I do? I have also...
  3. M

    patter of tiny feet

    No baby bunnies yet. Thanks for the info on the books. May
  4. M

    patter of tiny feet

    Hi Beckie, Thanks for the reply, no I do not have a nest box can you suggestanything I could use at the moment, and no I do not have any rabbitbooks any you can recomend! I will have to find out if there is anybreeders around. Thanks May.
  5. M

    patter of tiny feet

    I have aquired two5 montholddwarf lop ear rabbitsboth are suppose to befemalesI have just found this morning that one of them has started to pull herfur out and putting it in the corner of the cage she is also collectinghay and doing the same, does this mean she is pregnant? if so whatshould I...