Welcome to the forum Ray!:hugsquish: This is the place to be to learn and get loads of great advice anytime you need.;) I will be on this journey w/ you and this will be fun!:biggrin2:
I would do the normal rabbit protocol for stasis. Gas meds, leafy greens, fresh pineapple, tons of hay, possible Probiotic. Even if not eating, needs IV Fluids(Sub q if you can give it at home). Critical Care wouldn't hurt either.;)
You should head to the vet for fluids. It's needed asap. Until you can do that, feed wet greens, syringe water and crushed pellets or CC if you have to.
I always thought the HRS list was a bit limitedand I can't view the binkybunny one, here is a safe list from our Library:):
Is there a particular veggie you were wondering about?
Yes, slowly switching to the new food over a period of two weeks is about right. I have always just added a little of the new and every other day or so add a little more of the new and less of the old.;)
Yes, but vets hate when you recommend stuff they haven't. Zithromax is a great, strong one that will fight everything. You may want to mention to your vet that Baytril is quite similar to Amoxacillin in humans, it's the least of resistance.
Hopefully, you'll get some more posts soon.
Didn't you post before on this? I'm so sorry sweetie, I don't know, but I hope someone comes along soon that may have some insight for you on this.
I would get to your vet as soon as you can this am..
I wouldn't do any gut moblility drugs.. They cause more harm than good. There is obviously an underlying problem.. It could be a bacteria or a tooth problem or even a sinus issue...These need to be cultured I would imagine to be determined.
What I would do is Critical Care couple times a day, I...
May I ask why you're using bedding? That is an old thing. When I met/picked up the bun I currently have, the poor thing's whole cage was bedding, no litter and was molting like heck.:(
Are the buns litter box trained? What kind of bedding is it you've been using? Pine?