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  1. A

    Rabbit + Cat

    Well, it's gotten worse since I last posted.After chasing off the cat once again, Reno just attacked me for thefirst time. Normally he hops up to me every time he sees me and likesto be petted, but this time, he chased off the cat, then went into mycloset, so I reached in to pick up his litter...
  2. A

    Rabbit + Cat

    Ok, thanks for the info. To answer some of thequestions, Reno just got neutered about a week ago (I don't know ifthere is a special time when it's best to neuter them, but I don't evenknow how old he is, because my uncle found him running loose aroundsomeone's yard and gave him to me a few...
  3. A

    Rabbit + Cat

    Ok, so I just moved into an apartment with mybest friend a little over a week ago and he has a very friendly catnamed Rika and I have a rabbit named Reno. Well, I thought maybe thetwo of them would get along, so for the first few days, we let Rikasniff Reno through the cage and let them look at...