If he seems content and is acting normal id leave him solo.
If hes not a chewer you could get him a stuffy. But rabbits do better solo then most people think.
Id also be curious to know more about how/what is being done for these nebulizer treatments. Setup, meds, etc.
And the meds that were tried, what route they were given.
He has definitely reopened the incision.
Doesnt look infected per say (yet) but it is extremely angry.
He should go back to the clinic. They may wany to close it again or give him antibiotics and leave it open to drain.
If you have better access to the back/butt/rump area.... give the fluids there.
Yes there is more space at the shoulders, but SQ can actually be given elsewhere on the body. It will still absorb the same.
Bunny burritons are hard to get perfect. And for sneaky critters you have to be good.
I did a quick how to forever ago, hope this link works....
Its really important to get snug enough around the neck they cant squeeze...
Ask the company 😉
If that's the case it's not a food I would feed an adult.
Each rabbit has their own needs for protein, fat, calcium, etc. Best to look at everything and find whats best for your rabbit
Id be more worried about some type of spinal/neuro issue causing this. In a healthy adult rabbit, legs dont just suddenly splay from a lack of traction. Most rabbits would avoid the surface all together if its too slippy. But would be able to walk on it with no issues.
I would consider a visit...
5 months is "mature" in the rabbit world.
If the relationship was already on the rocks bringing the new rabbit home likely did things in. Doesn't matter if they cant see each other.
You will most likely have to cage the pair totally away from each other and give them some divorce space for...
What about sewing a patch to the bottoms of the non slip fabric they use for the feet of onesies and such? You could make it an add on charge as requested.
I wouldnt ever put something like that in their water.
If they dont like the taste you can cause all sorts of issues because they will now be drinking less water.
With rabbits we want to encourage water drinking.