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  1. J

    Unusual behavior in my Bunny

    Thank you for your reply to my post. You're totally right. And I just realized we've been using white trash bags. In addition to all the changes lately, we've been getting rid of 49 years worth of stuff. What's not going to the thrift store is going in the trash, in white trash bags. Poor Bugs...
  2. J

    Unusual behavior in my Bunny

    Here's some interaction between our cat, Newt and Bugsy. Newt happens to love grass and bok choy. They eat together often Our kitchen is the main gathering place. Bugsy is grooming in the same space as the cat and dog. We're just old people who like our peace and quiet. I assure you all there...
  3. J

    Unusual behavior in my Bunny

    Oh my gosh, Bugsy came into the breakfast room just now and went into his crate. Apparently he had to pee. He's such a good boy lol You asked some questions that I have to answer yes to, rearranged furniture and different routines. Also we're expecting close family to visit for a few days so...
  4. J

    Unusual behavior in my Bunny

    Hi All, Thank you for allowing me to post my questions. I've had Bugsy, my mini Rex neutered rabbit for 2 1/2 years. He stays in his crate at night and allowed to roam free in the house during the day. We found him with his eyes completely crusted over living in a colony of rabbits and took him...
  5. J

    I had to let Musti go...

    He was beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss
  6. J

    Hair on eye lids

    Bugsy is doing great now. He has lost some vision in both eyes due to an ulcer and clouding effect. But we're so happy we were able to get the surgery for him. I hope your bunny is doing ok.
  7. J

    Hair on eye lids

    My rabbit had entropion which is the curling in of the top and bottom eyelids. We fought infections all the time. He had to have surgery to remove the lashes. It was so painful. This was before surgery. He's several months old here. The second picture is after surgery. Looks like an eyelift...
  8. J

    Calming an anxious bunny

    Hello to all! 😊 My Bugsy has been through a lot in his 1 1/2 years. Surgery on his eyelids for entropion which was very successful but he was so scared and anxious he didn't eat for almost 3 days. I was sure he was going to die. Everything I read about the GI stasis, I thought his fate was...
  9. J

    Dangerous for our bunnies

    Update on Alternaria mold: I should have known to look for the mold on other vegetables in the supermarket but didn't catch it till a few days ago. The parsley and cilantro plus the original carrot tops. In the picture of the cilantro attached it's very slight but in a day or two it really takes...
  10. J

    Dangerous for our bunnies

    Thank you
  11. J

    Dangerous for our bunnies

    I'm very grateful Bugsy didn't require medical care from his exposure to the mold. He seemed to bounce right back after a day of not wanting to eat. I thought the anesthesia from his surgery affected his appetite but it could very well have been effects from the toxin still. His surgery was...
  12. J

    Dangerous for our bunnies

    I'm so grateful if wasn't worse for Bugsy. It could have been devastating.
  13. J

    Dangerous for our bunnies

    Hello all, I haven't made my introduction yet but I wanted to bring up a pressing matter I've encountered. There is a mold called Alternaria that can cause anorexia in rabbits plus a lot of related illnesses. It grows on the carrot tops we buy and bring into our homes. My little Bugs wasn't...
  14. J


    I would love an update on your bunny. We found our 2 month old with both eyes crusted over with infections. After unsuccessfully treating him for many months the last vet we seen diagnosed entropia of both eyes. He's had surgery 4 days ago and were praying for the best.