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  1. R

    Lower Respiratory Illness, Advice/Experiences?

    Thank you so much, that sincerely means a lot to hear, he is my first bunny too so I am with you on being a first time owner! Thank you for the encouragement 💜
  2. R

    Lower Respiratory Illness, Advice/Experiences?

    Yes, it was within 2 weeks of no antibiotics since vet thought he was basically clear that he started showing symptoms again. I forget the specific reason why she presribed every other day instead of daily for his current round of Ceftazidime injections, he did have a GI stasis scare after 7...
  3. R

    Lower Respiratory Illness, Advice/Experiences?

    Yes my vet is an exotic specialist and rabbit savvy, a huge blessing! The first week mortality rate makes a lot of sense, I was sure I was going to lose him in March before I found this vet, he is so strong and a gentle fighter. I'll give the whole treatment timeline best as I can remember: At...
  4. R

    Lower Respiratory Illness, Advice/Experiences?

    Does anyone have any experience with a bunny dealing with a stubborn lower respiratory infection or any advice/suggestions to what I could do to help alongside vet treatment or what might be hindering it healing that I can change? My senior bunny's right lung is foggy on xrays and both his...
  5. R

    Meloxicam problems and Gabapentin opinions?

    Hey everyone! I wanted to ask if any other buns have ever had a problem with Meloxicam? Or positive experiences with Gabapentin? Over New Years my senior bun, Rory, started Meloxicam with Enrofloxacin which suppresses appetite, I stopped Enrofloxacin early because he was...
  6. R

    Cloudy urine, UTI or bladder/kidney stones?

    Thank you Nancy, he is my first bun so I need to remember his wonderful old body is a part of a very natural process... I truly appreciate you mentioning it. Thank you for the wishes, Rory and I send all the best back to you
  7. R

    Cloudy urine, UTI or bladder/kidney stones?

    Thank you, thats all wonderful information! Its not a true gel consistency, more of a watery opaque thick blob, it definitly could be reacting to his bedding or something... I had him pee on hay and a plain pee pad and havent seen it dry into a paste that sits in the surface so thats a relief...
  8. R

    Cloudy urine, UTI or bladder/kidney stones?

    JBun, thank you! His urine is cloudy yellow/biege (i attached recent pic), i use paper bedding then pee pads under that to be soft on his feet so most of his pee gets absorbed, i can only tell by what is caught on the hay... It tries to stay one shape and seems thick almost like watery gel if i...
  9. R

    Cloudy urine, UTI or bladder/kidney stones?

    Hello everyone! I have a question about cloudy urine and UTI or bladder/kidney stones if anyone has experience? My 9 yr old senior male neutered lionhead, Rory, has been having thick cloudy urine that Ive been noticing the last while. He is on unlimited timothy hay and about 40 pellets (vet...
  10. R

    1 Rabbit Stressed during Rebonding

    That's great advice thank you! Making it nonslip helped a lot, Rory seemed a lot more comfortable and even started being affectionate and curious. The side by side petting also helped a lot, they both started grooming each other too!
  11. R

    1 Rabbit Stressed during Rebonding

    Yes that makes sense, it could just be the slippery surface since he's always avoided anything without traction whereas Brim can hop on anything. I will try the towel for sure and set up the bath tub too! He is doing so much better now, back to his normal self and then some! He is not falling...
  12. R

    1 Rabbit Stressed during Rebonding

    Yes, here is the bin
  13. R

    1 Rabbit Stressed during Rebonding

    Hi everyone, So I am rebonding my two male rabbits after needing to seperate them for about 2 weeks (Rory had GI Stasis and ear infection) and their bond got broken. I am beginning by putting them in a tall bin for about 5-15 minutes twice a day. I cover the bin so there is still open space for...
  14. R


    Hello, my name is Rhea and I have two lionhead rabbits Ro and Brim, both male neutered and 8 years old!
  15. R

    Re-Bonding Rabbits

    Hey everyone, so I have two 8-year-old lionhead rabbits (male, neutered) who were bonded, but the last month one of them (Rory) got GI stasis and a possible ear infection, so they had to be separated while Rory recovered since the other bunny (Brim) was more stressful that comforting for Rory...
  16. R

    Seperated "bonded" pair and rebonding?

    Oh yes that helps, I took him in the day I noticed him falling over too, he's been on medications for 1 week now and still has another to go so hopefully see an improvement by then if it's an infection!
  17. R

    Seperated "bonded" pair and rebonding?

    Yeah Brim definitly didn't show up as a comforting companion bun. At first Brim just sniffed him but seemed more interested in the litter box and his comfy spot. The next few times I could tell Ro didn't find his visits comforting at all because he had his ears perked up being alert and looked...
  18. R

    Seperated "bonded" pair and rebonding?

    Yes sorry I didn't explain clearly, his wobbling is another issue the vet and I are investigating and trying out treatments for, but the GI Stasis happened at the same time. Both things happened simultaneously and suddenly, possibly the GI Stasis is secondary to whatever caused his balance to...
  19. R

    Seperated "bonded" pair and rebonding?

    Hi all! I have 2 neutered male lionheads (both 7-8 years old) who are semi-bonded in that one (Brim) still occassionally tries mounting, in which the other (Ro)will chase them off, but otherwise no fighting, they live and eat and cuddle together and groom eachother. Recently one of them (Ro)...