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  1. AshleyM03

    GI stasis recovery not peeing

    Hi, So I’ve had a lot of health issues with my dwarf papillon Boba. She is 11 months old now and she’s going through stasis again. She was taken to the vet and put on fluids. She’s been sent home on Reglan, Metacam and cisapride. She’s been taking cisapride colon rescue and panacur routinely as...
  2. AshleyM03

    Peeing after stasis

    hello! My rabbit boba is about 9 months old now. I got her spayed 2 months ago, she had a bout of GI stasis about 2 weeks ago, she has been recovering fine and the vet sent us home with cisapride and metacopramide. We were instructed to administer both until they were used up every 12 hours. The...
  3. AshleyM03

    Rabbit spay pain

    Hi, I took my 7 month old rabbit to be spayed. She woke up came out fine and the vet insisted she didn’t need any pain medication. This was at 12pm, it is 9pm and she is now refusing to eat. She was eating before right after her surgery, she’s continued having bowel movements. But she’s...
  4. AshleyM03

    Odd shaped rabbit stool

    Hi, I have a rabbit named boba she is a 6 month old dwarf papillon. She is free roam, eats orchard hay and 1/2 cup of oxbow young rabbit pellets a day as well as treats 2-4 times a week. Since I’ve gotten her I’ve noticed her stool is either oval shaped or very tiny and sometimes soft? I have...
  5. AshleyM03

    Hello rabbit lovers

    Welcome! I’d love to see what your rabbits look like!!
  6. AshleyM03

    Meet Boba!

    Here’s a photo of his entire set up so far, I just moved the litter box in and stopped setting wood shavings on the floor and put them just in his box. As for getting another rabbit for him I’m undecided and I’ll see as he gets older. Sorry the photos aren’t super clear but I tried to get them...
  7. AshleyM03

    Meet Boba!

    Also I just wanted to say thank you to everyone in this thread. You’ve all been so helpful and friendly and it’s very much appreciated. I’ve been really anxious as a first time baby bunny owner and youve all done so much to help. It’s been a really fun experience starting to use this forum ☺️💛
  8. AshleyM03

    Meet Boba!

    Thank you so much for the help!! I’ve already been using soft wood shavings for his pen but I didn’t know the trick with aspen to keep it dry, that’s a really good thing to know. I’ve stuck to changing his pen every 3 days for the moment since he’s so little right now, as he gets older I’ll do...
  9. AshleyM03

    Meet Boba!

    Thank you so much! It’s been really weird taking care of such a young rabbit and hearing that they’re just very different than adults is very comforting, I’ve been able to potty train adults but he’s definitely been a trouble maker. I’ve started the ignoring him and letting him come to me tactic...
  10. AshleyM03

    Meet Boba!

    This is my baby bunny boba who I adopted recently, he’s a Dwarf Papillon and he was born in mid April! Please send me any advice on how to take care of/train such a young rabbit. It’s been a little discouraging how skiddish he is and I want to gain his trust/love. Also I’d love some potty...
  11. AshleyM03


    My name is Ashley, I’ve made this account so I can learn how to better take care of my rabbit Boba! He is a dwarf papillion and is only a few months old. I have experience with older rabbits who are already used to human interaction but not a skiddish baby like him so I want to learn how to be a...