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  1. L

    Balding spots showing up!!!

    Hi, soon after I posted this concern(1-2 weeks),her hair gradually started growing back in with no otherproblems. We never treated it with anything,either. So I think it was just molting.Sorry I couldn't be of more help. :( Good luck inyour quest for an answer. Lisa
  2. L

    Balding spots showing up!!!

    Nope, I haven't seen her scratch or do anythingwith the bear patches. I am going to try to attach a pictureof the spots I'm talking about.
  3. L

    Balding spots showing up!!!

    Really? Has anyone else had that happen during molting? Would it hurt Sophie to treat her for mites if it doesn't end up being mites??
  4. L

    Balding spots showing up!!!

    Carolyn, Thanks for the warning. Sophie isn't a blue-eyed bunny, she'sgot a light gray coat with brown eyes, but I will watch for any signsof irritation to the meds. Would you use the cream AND the powder? The cream to kill the (mite)babies and the powder for the adults? Thanks.
  5. L

    Balding spots showing up!!!

    Listerine? Meaning the green liquidmouthwash? And how did you do it? Dab it on with acotton ball? And did you put it on the bare spots or all overthe fur? Same with the powder......did you sprinkle the powder all over the fur(head to toe) and rub it in? By the way, her ears look good. Nothing...
  6. L

    Balding spots showing up!!!

    Hi, no her sister can't reach her.They were separated maybe 6 months ago because her sister was attackingher and biting her(they are now 1 yr old). I can't see anyflaking or dandruff looking stuff. The hair around the spotslooks somewhat fuzzier and more cottony(whitefluffyfur)than the rest of...
  7. L

    Balding spots showing up!!!

    Hi, could someone please give me someadvice? One of our bunnies(outdoor buns), Sophie, is losing alot of hair. It started a few weeks ago and I figured it wasregular seasonal shedding. But her sister in the hutch nextto her wasn't shedding at all. We then noticed balding spotsimmerging. There...
  8. L

    One sister attacking another??

    Thank you all so much! It's a comfortknowing I've got a place to come to get answers to my questions whenthere's a "crisis". :)
  9. L

    One sister attacking another??

    Thanks, I'll check the websites out.It's hard to hear that one would actually kill the other if kepttogether. :( But I separated them immediately after seeingthis behavior. We had gotten them both 6+ monthsagothinking they'd be good companions for eachother, beingsisters and all, and so now that...
  10. L

    One sister attacking another??

    Thank you for the information. I'd beentold that 2 females together would get along beautifully and to stayaway from puttingmales together. So when thishappened, I was shocked and wondering if maybe they'd told me wrong andsold us 2 males or a male and a female or something. Or worseyet, I was...
  11. L

    One sister attacking another??

    Hi, thanks so much for the input!! No, they are not spayed. Can you tell me more about a bunny's life span and timeline?When are the teen years and then when are they considered fullygrown? If we chose not to have them spayed, could this behavior continueindefinitely? I'd rather not have to...
  12. L

    One sister attacking another??

    Hi everyone, I had 2 hysterical little girls tonight. My 2 daughters eachhave a bunny as a pet. The bunnies are also sisters.(One ismore social and the other more timid) They are about 7 1/2months old(we've had them for 6 1/2 months)and have alwaysbeen extremely sweet and tender towards...
  13. L

    Newcomer with 2 questions

    Thanks everyone for your input! Ireally appreciate it! We will try the frozen bottles of waterthis week when it gets really warm outside. The hutch getsvery good ventilation, so I don't think airflow will be a problem, butit's good to know what to be aware of. I'm so glad to have this board to...
  14. L

    Newcomer with 2 questions

    Hi everyone, I am a new post-er. I found this messageboard because we justgot my daughter her dream birthday gift for her 8th bday - her newbunny, Nibble. She is so in love with Nibble and they spend aLOT of time just quietly sitting and rocking together. Mydaughter started out by holding it...