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  1. M


    wow these are all great suggegtions, thank you everyone. Ill have to start trying them all to see what works! Thanks
  2. M


    That could work, I kept him in a different room than I Slept up at school. Hedoes seem to do it only when he knows im there. Ill trycovering it and see if that helps Thanks
  3. M


    I didnt know it was a common problem=). I do have toys in there and stuff to chew on.Do you suggest anything specifically? He gets bored with thetoys so fast, at first he's really excited and then he doesnt touchthem lol. Hes like a little kid.
  4. M

    What to do with a bunn that...

    Hi, My bun chases the cat too! I have a rabbit book that suggests sprayingthe rabbit with a squirt bottle on the noseand yelling"NO". Im not sure if this works, because my bun doesntactually bite the cats so i havent tried it. But it might beworth a try
  5. M


    I have a rabbit about one and a half yearsold. He has almost always rattled his cage very loudlywhenever I put him away. I am home for the summer from schooland bunny has to stay in my room, but he rattles the cage all nightlong, preventing me from sleeping. I can not figure out whyhe does this...