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  1. M

    Hurting rabbit

    Okay thank you!!!!!!!!
  2. M

    Hurting rabbit

    Would there be any certain signs to look for? Her never wet from what I can tell and her teeth look healthy. She still loves chewing on everything and will.even.let me pet her jaw and whatnot???????????
  3. M

    Hurting rabbit

    Thank you! I had initially ruled out self mutilation because it's just her chest and I thought that if it was that kind of behavioral problem it would be her whole body. I'll look into different vets and look at spaying her. Shes a rescue bunny so I don't have a medical background
  4. M

    Hurting rabbit

    My bunny penny just turned about 2 and for that few months I've had the issue of her chewing on just her chest, so much so it's to the point it creating open sores and wounds. I'd heal one and she'd make another. The vet said to take away her cat friend but that stressed her out she's digs at...