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  1. S

    Hello, newbie here!

    Thank you Naturestee, but I'm in N.C.:(Thats very kind of you!Lol, that would be a verylong drive! There's a Target very close to me, I'll have to check andsee if they're on sale there. Thanks for the tip! I've found a verycute bunny in a shelter near me, (arrgh, I knew when Ilookedonline there...
  2. S

    Hello, newbie here!

    I can't believe how much I'm learning here!Thank you TrixieRabbit, that sounds so easy to make (the cage) and I'vebeen looking around at cages, they're really overpriced lol. So I guessan NIC cage it is! What a good idea about the corrugated plastic, thatwould work perfectly for a urine guard...
  3. S

    Hello, newbie here!

    Lol, I checked the link, and from there readonto three other stories! What an excellent site this is! I'm checkinginto bunny shelters near me (just lookin' ;)for now...) andhave found quite a few bunnies needing good homes. I don'tknow why I never thought of rescuing, but thank you for...
  4. S

    Hello, newbie here!

    Hello, Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! Maherwoman, thank you, your answers are a great help! I am verygrateful that everyone here won't bash me for not knowing the correctanswers lol. Besides, message boards are to help right? Thank you! TrixieRabbit, I absolutely love that cage...
  5. S

    Hello, newbie here!

    Hello Everyone! I am so glad I found this forum. You all seem to be very friendly andwilling to help, so I thought I'd join! :)I grew up withbunnies, always had at least three of them (one for each of us kids)and just loved how cuddly they were. And what sweet personalities! Iwas called the...