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  1. T

    Rabbit too 'mature' to give kisses.

    Anybody else have a rabbit who became less 'childish' and more 'mature' as they grew into adulthood? He used to lick me a lot as baby without wanting to be petted in return. Churro still happily greets me when he hasnt seen me in a while, running around me in circles (left to right and right...
  2. T

    Rabbit not agreeing with 'cleaned' cage

    He has a hutch now. But I remember the 1st year I got him, he would always throw around the new straw bedding in a slightly annoyed fashion after cleaning. He has 2 way of throwing straw: - The 'free range I'm so happy I can be out of my cage' throw. He'll do it when his cage is open and has...
  3. T

    Pigeon hatched an egg in rabbit hutch

    Well they do eat his food they never stay. They just eat and leave afterward. This is the 1st bird that made the hutch into a better place for itself.
  4. T

    Pigeon hatched an egg in rabbit hutch

    I have my Netherland dwarf/lionhead mix Churro for 6 years now. He's very happy and healthy. He has run of the house when supervised. But when we're out he's on the balcony. It's a large balcony with a 1 story hutch (ground floor and 1st floor) He doesn't use it much because he prefers staying...