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  1. EllieBelle

    Wits End

    Are you giving him Timothy hay?? He should be eating it. Hay should make up 80% of a bunnies diet so if he isn't eating it, something is wrong or maybe he is filling up on other stuff he shouldn't be. Hay is great for their tummies but also helps grind their teeth down!
  2. EllieBelle

    Wits End

    Aww. It sounds like you have been extremely patient. But don't give up! Mine would snatch treats and take off for a good year or so before she finally would relax in front of me. It was kind of funny because she ignored me literally all the time, but would come running whenever she heard the...
  3. EllieBelle

    Wits End

    I will have to agree wholeheartedly with just sitting with him and ignoring him. Don't even try to pet him. Let him explore you. I adopted my girl 3 years ago and it was difficult at first to bond with her. Bunnies are prey animals so they're virtually afraid of everything, including us! Even...
  4. EllieBelle

    Post a Pic of your bunny with the Hashtag #StayInTogether

    Thank you:) things have died down thank God but I whole heartedly agree. Stay safe every bun ♡
  5. EllieBelle

    Bonding my rabbits

    rabbits and all species require time to heal, regardless of age.
  6. EllieBelle

    Bonding my rabbits

    Aww. I'm sorry that happened. I can't even imagine:( but it obviously wasn't your fault and was unexpected at the time. Thank you for sharing your experience and educating us all a bit more :)
  7. EllieBelle

    Bonding my rabbits

    You will have to keep them away from each other 8 weeks after they're spayed. Otherwise, if there are fights, one rabbit can severely hurt the other and damage the stitched area.
  8. EllieBelle

    Bonding videos

    At that rate, it sounds like the bunnies formed a natural bond which is awesome. I'm working on bonding Ellie with Remi. Ellie is 5 years old and spayed. Remi is 8 weeks and not yet neutered. I shouldn't say I'm bonding them just yet... I've let her come in his room to pick up his scent etc and...
  9. EllieBelle

    Post a Pic of your bunny with the Hashtag #StayInTogether

    Such a good idea. Thank you for sharing positive vibes! They're so important right now!!! Here is little Remi. I just picked him up on Friday and he has had a very busy weekend! I live in Rochester and over the weekend we had a lot of rioters looting stores, and threatening to come into suburban...
  10. EllieBelle

    If my bunny licks a little stuffed plushie cow, does that mean he loves it?

    Gosh, our buns may be personality twins. She gets in her mood and loves to toss her bowl of kale, etc. Thanks for the ideas:)
  11. EllieBelle

    If my bunny licks a little stuffed plushie cow, does that mean he loves it?

    Awww that's so sweet. He is soo cute. They love us when they want to. Funny thing about buns. I've never had an animal teach me so much patience ♡
  12. EllieBelle

    Horrific rabbit death

    Highly agree !!
  13. EllieBelle

    Horrific rabbit death

    The dog owner said that???! All of his ignorant jokes aside, it is CERTAINLY his fault for not leashing and training his dog properly. If that dog were a pitbull, he would have been put down almost immediately.
  14. EllieBelle

    Horrific rabbit death

    Oh my gosh NO! how could replacing your poor Ronnie who was tortured and killed ever help?? Nothing will alleviate the situation. My heart breaks for you. I can't even imagine. I'm terrified to bring my bun outside for this exact reason. The person who owns that dog needs to learn a lesson from...
  15. EllieBelle

    If my bunny licks a little stuffed plushie cow, does that mean he loves it?

    Ellie does this with her 2 stuffed rabbits. Hope it is a good sign for the soon to be bonding process :)
  16. EllieBelle

    If my bunny licks a little stuffed plushie cow, does that mean he loves it?

    They can really hold a grudge can't they?? I can't help but giggle a little bit but this is good to know! My rabbit grooms her soft plush bed and all of her stuffed toys.
  17. EllieBelle

    If my bunny licks a little stuffed plushie cow, does that mean he loves it?

    That's SOO cute. & I'll admit, I find it really entertaining when bunnies "rearrange" their space or toss things.
  18. EllieBelle

    Sophie left for the rainbow bridge

    I'm so sorry for your loss:( it's never easy losing the ones we love, especially our fur babies. It sounds like you will keep her memory alive and loved her very much. She was a lucky bun. May she rest in peace.
  19. EllieBelle

    Good rabbit treats? ( not homemade )

    @Jasminebunny so glad to hear!!!