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  1. StephanieBBL

    Pulled tooth

    I had a rabbit pull one of his front teeth forward and out of line with his other one yesterday morning. Will it go back in place on its own? Does it need to be pulled? If so, what pain meds are rabbit safe that I can give him? Any other advice. Besides vet. We don't have a rabbit savy vet...
  2. StephanieBBL


    No. It is just straight chamomile tea. I read they weren't supposed to have sugary tea.
  3. StephanieBBL


    thank you. I will add some to his normal water
  4. StephanieBBL


    I have brought him inside today after leaving him outside. He will be staying in my room for now. I will go get him some timothy hay out of our shed tomorrow. What other herbal teas did you use?
  5. StephanieBBL


    Did you let him drink chamomile tea? I just heated some up and sat it in his cage but not sure if I can let him drink it?
  6. StephanieBBL


    Hi. So I have raised rabbits since 2013 and recently took in a 4 yr old Holland Lop. Well after his quarantine period was over, he began to have runny eyes. Just in one. Now he has it in 2 and some snot (milky colored) come out of his nose. He has also started sneezing. I worry that it is...