Ok, so my rabbit has decided that her favorite sitting spot is also a good spot to pee. She also seems to poop there. How can I move her litterbox there without her continuing to use both spots?
We’re currently also waiting on a new/hopefully larger one to come in, hoping that helps.
Might be an old farmer’s tale but apparently giving pumpkin seeds as treats, or a little gripe water mixed into their drinking water like once every few months, is supposed to prevent parasites.
My bun eats pumpkin seeds but that is more because she just loves them than any parasite worries!
First of all, we had to fight our vet to take our bunny home instead of leaving her over-night. They just keep them there without supervision all night, which from what’s I understand isn’t best practice for rabbit spays? I’d ask your vet about what they do.
We had her in her normal cage w/ the...
Here’s a color calculator if you’re really curious. Seems like Chestnut and Black are the two most likely colors.
This calculator is a really cool tool, I used it back when I was in FFA to try and decode my rabbits’ genes. I didn’t put it in...
Maybe change the flooring? Carpet squares are useful because you can get them cheap or free and are easily replaced. Is it wire at all? Would they use a small dog bed? My bun loved hers as a baby.
Also, some bunnies are just more prone to it and you have to be extra careful with super soft...
Only thing I noticed was the brushes you got. Tbh I hated the ones like that, haha! Honestly the ones you find in the cat or dog grooming section are way better. (But I also have a long-haired breed, so I do a LOT of grooming.)
I’ve tried that and she ignores them. Even pees on them, lol. Same with wood-chews. So far a box of paper shreds with treats at the bottom has been her only interest, and she destroys that pretty fast, haha.
Most would probably be black with straight or semi-floppy ears.
Personally I wouldn’t breed them, they aren’t the same breed, and the chinchilla doesn’t look pure, or at-least not show-quality, to me. You’d end up with mutt-babies that need homes in a world that doesn’t need more pet bunnies...
These weights are according to the American Rabbit Breeder Association’s “Standard of Perfection” book (2011-2015 edition). “Senior” just means an adult/older than 6months, and juniors under 6months.
Holland Lop:
Senior Rabbits- 4lbs or less
Junior Rabbits- Over 2lbs
So, he/she should be...
My name is Lumina, and I am a beautiful chocolate English Angora doe. The world was graced with my existence on November 13th, 2014. ✨
I’m a spayed female, not looking for love. As a (widowed) single mama to over a dozen children I’m over the baby-phase. ♀️
I’m a retired prize wining show...