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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. myroommateisarabbit

    Greetings B)

    Recently joined the site and figured I'd post an introduction. Hi, my name is Amy. I've spent pretty much my entire life up until this point owning random small/exotic animals, but these are my first two rabbits. I've had kit for around two and a half years now (since he was roughly 5 weeks)...
  2. myroommateisarabbit

    Help me guess my rabbit's age/breed!

    I recently moved so I'm taking her to someone new tomorrow. He seems to have really good reviews. Fingers crossed!
  3. myroommateisarabbit

    Help me guess my rabbit's age/breed!

    I've been trying to hunt down some of Kit's but he usually eats them immediately. :(
  4. myroommateisarabbit

    Help me guess my rabbit's age/breed!

    I mean I knew dwarves were really small, but I've only ever seen my Dutch and larger rabbits in person. I didn't realise baby dwarves were like the size of actual hamsters.
  5. myroommateisarabbit

    Help me guess my rabbit's age/breed!

    I figured she was some sort of dwarf. Kit is a purebred Dutch rabbit.
  6. myroommateisarabbit

    Help me guess my rabbit's age/breed!

    Here is a better picture for size comparison.
  7. myroommateisarabbit

    Help me guess my rabbit's age/breed!

    Recently got a new bunny to accompany my older rabbit Kit (don't worry, he is a total sweetheart). The breeder I got him/her from was clearly not a very good one, unfortunately. He tried to tell me that Bean is 7 weeks, and I'm having a VERY hard time believing him. Now maybe I'm just crazy...