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  1. B

    Nasty Male Lionhead - HELP!

    Just got back from the vets and both rabbits areperfectly healthy! So no need for seperation! yay! She said it isprobably just her hormones and hes picking up on them - typical men notunderstanding women! Thank you once again for all your help! xxx
  2. B

    Nasty Male Lionhead - HELP!

    Suprisingly they seem better this morning! I'mtaking them to the vets this afternoon anyway though, i'll let you allknow what happens. Thank you all for your help.
  3. B

    Nasty Male Lionhead - HELP!

    Many thanks for all your help and advice. I think we'll get them both checked over by the Vet.
  4. B

    Nasty Male Lionhead - HELP!

    Well, shes always been more dominant than him,so she knows she can fight him off, but shes just avoiding him. Shesnot fighting back at all.I seperated them last night and they seem alittle better but hes still chasing her.
  5. B

    Nasty Male Lionhead - HELP!

    they are 2 and a half years. i dont understand though, they have always got on perfectly!
  6. B

    Nasty Male Lionhead - HELP!

    My2 lionheads - brother and sister - are now 2 and a half years old. Wehad the male neuted as soon as possible and they have always been thebest of friends. However for the past 4 days, the male has been chasingthe female - who has done nothing wrong - and pulling patchs of her furout. I'm also...