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  1. Joanna

    Biting Bars?

    My female rabbit would chew on the bars too. I started putting toys as well as willow branches weaved in and out of the bars. This seemed to help and now she just chews on the cardboard houses I gave her. :)
  2. Joanna

    Your Pets

    This is a nice post. I have 2 rabbits, 1male Mr.BunBunz, and 1 female Alice. I also have 1 fish, and a male cat who lives in our backyard his name is Beewee. We rescued him about 4 years ago when he was a kitten on the street(picture below) he was underweight and flea/scabies. I nurished him...
  3. Joanna

    How much verbal understanding do rabbits have?

    Very interesting... I know my rabbits know when I'm coming to their cage and they do recognize noises in the house and respond differently when members of my household or friends of ours show up they will hide when my grandpa visits they can smell his cologne and know he wants their attention:D...
  4. Joanna

    Cage bottom

    I use a variety of materials for the bottom of the area Fleece blankets, Cardboard, and Ceramic Tiles for their water dishes
  5. Joanna

    Rabbit got Silica gel by accident

    Hi guys sorry for the delayed response. Thanks for the support much appreciated! I managed to call vet first thing monday when they opened and they told me right over the phone that its harmless and just to make sure bring him in. He's well now and binking around the house! I'm so relieved to...
  6. Joanna

    Rabbit got Silica gel by accident

    Yes im hoping they did not eat any, thanks I will!
  7. Joanna

    Rabbit got Silica gel by accident

    My rabbits nibbled on a Silica gel bag that came with a timothy hay grass mat. My family and I freaked out for all of 5 minutes before I headed online and did some research. Apparently Silica gel is not harmful to us. It's made of sand! I never knew that. So my Question here is... Has Anyone...
  8. Joanna

    Is it okay for rabbits to eat cardboard?

    Hi you bunny luigi is so cute! Thanks for the responses you guys. :D I'll make sure to add fresh hay during the day. I hope that will get my female rabbit to start eating more!:oops:
  9. Joanna

    Is it okay for rabbits to eat cardboard?

    Hi blue very nice picture :D! You have so many beautiful bunnies. Soo adorable :)! Okay good I just hope she doesnt get that gut problem. I'm very worried because her Vet did say her back teeth were slated and not flat meaning shes not eating enough hay. :( she likes to chew cardboard everyday...
  10. Joanna

    Is it okay for rabbits to eat cardboard?

    Hi I'm wondering if its normal or okay for my female rabbit who has been spayed but is still destructive and eats her card board little house daily. Is this okay? or should I remove her cardboard?
  11. Joanna

    Meet Waffles!

    CUTE! :) I adopted a rabbit too and didnt change her name :D That's great that you adopted! ;) My male rabbit like to chew on rubber and plastics too i have to take everything away from the area i extend him to, because hes naughty. Try putting some cardboard boxes instead.
  12. Joanna

    Our sweet Bella passed away!

    Sorry for your loss:( She was a beautiful bunny rabbit.
  13. Joanna


    Hello and Welcome! I'm a new member as well:D Glad to hear that your Rabbit's behavior changed. Judging by the photos you posted he looks REALLY happy! :) Good job!
  14. Joanna

    How long is a rabbit able to stay alive by only forced feeding?

    Sorry for your loss. The loss of a pet is very hard. I have lost my cat of 18 years a few months ago :( We miss her very much! She was a good mother and mouser too! If there is a Heaven for pets I hope ours are very happy ;)
  15. Joanna

    Miss Molly LOVES these toys.... maybe your bun will too!

    It's hard to find toys that rabbits like. Thanks for sharing the link! I will let my buns try these :)
  16. Joanna

    Digging Boxes/Toys

    haha:D all of your posts sounds like what i go thru with my bunnies. My little girl rabbit (1year old) loves to shred everything with her teeth and lil claws: cardboard, paper, willow toys, wooden toys, blankets, and carpet when i let her loose around the house. She will do that for hours!:eek...
  17. Joanna

    2018 Cages

    Nice setup Serenity-Sama. I like the blue tunnel, too bad theyre eating it. hehe!:) off topic nice manga collection :3
  18. Joanna

    How often do you clean your rabbit's cage and litter?

    I find myself cleaning there cage every 2 days sometimes once a day because my boy rabbit isnt fulling litter trained and he insists on going potty on each blanket :oops: my girl rabbit Alice is fully litter trained at least lol My rabbits have 2 dog pens attached so its about 8ft x 4ft x 3 1/2...
  19. Joanna

    Lionhead bunnies

    Soo cute! I have 2 bunnies they are lionhead mix.