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  1. K

    torn claw question

    much gratitude to you both yeah i think i let his claws grow too much i'll have to start cutting them more frequently
  2. K

    torn claw question

    hi, just took my bunny out of the cage to discover it had somehow torn outone of it's claws on accident somehow, has this ever happened to anyoneelse? very ignorant on this, so pardon my questions. do theygrow back? if i keep it disinfected is that the only thing to worryabout? i'm not sure i...
  3. K


    thanks for the link to the other thread on cooling him off. no discharge at all, if anything kind of too dry, do bunnies need a certain amount of moisture in the air? i make sure he's never in direct sunlight too. no dusty hay or pellets. what makes me think allergy is that he rubs at his nose...
  4. K


    abput 2 weeks ago, my bunny started sneezing andcoughing at random. right when we we're going to take him tothe vet he stopped and didn't make a sound from that point on, tillyesterday. what the symptoms coincided with is that the air conditioning had brokedown right before both cases. so we...