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  1. B

    Hi everyone :)

    Thankyou everyone :) I have beenlooking into various different housing arrangements, but I am soworried about foxes around our way. I have decided that Iwould be happier to have another bun indoors and to let them have asupervised run round in the garden each day. Thankyou foryour help :)
  2. B

    Hi everyone :)

    Thankyou for your lovely warm welcomes:Dand for your condolences about Karrots, I know many of youwill understand how I feel at losing him :( The "Scarecrow" looks great, I wonder if I could get a hold ofone. I'll have to do a search on the net about them:) Thankyou Bunnys Rule for the info on...
  3. B

    Hi everyone :)

    :)I'm new to the forum and thought Iwould introduce myself. I live in the South East of Englandand have been slave to a few rabbits over the years. Sadly myrabbit Karrots recently passed over to the Rainbow Bridge so at presentI don't have any buns :( He is greatly missed and he was themost...